NY Times Admits “Assault Weapons Are A Myth”


Full Access Member
In a stunning op-ed released Friday, the NY Times finally admitted that “assault weapons” are a made-up political term fabricated by anti-gun Democrats.

Op-ed writer Lois Beckett also admitted that once the term was manufactured and used to outlaw a class of weapons that dishonest anti-gun Democrats had used to con an entire nation, nothing happened.

After 30 Years Of Lies, NY Times Admits "Assault Weapons Are A Myth" - Bearing Arms



Full Access Member
New York times have perfected the art of lying for the democrats. As much as I don't trust any of them I would rather have a business professional than layer(lawyer) in office.


Active member
They may have the art of lying down, but this is a truly stunning turn for this to have even made it off of the editors desk.


Full Access Member
Next they will admit sexual assault was just for fun and because of what the person was wearing. Our news reporting is so corrupt and controlled that even fox is censured. JUST READ THE INTERNET it has to be true Al Gore invented it.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I agree our media is censored so bad, they show what they want to scare us and when someone does something good like anyone should do it's a "special report"


Super Moderator
IMO the media for the most part is just the propaganda dept. of the government. BHO/government gets caught in a scandal, media says "there's nothing to see here". Media throws gasoline on a spark in Zimmerman's and Ferguson's situation. It causes more racial tension and makes great TV coverage. They're on top of every shooting when a crazy person goes off the deep end but when a good guy with a gun stops said crazy person........crickets (except for maybe local coverage). They are following the governments agenda. It's number 20 & 21 of the communist goals.
Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record


Super Moderator
Looks like we are just about there!!!!.

We are a good way there. Just look at the list of goals and see how many you can say are already being done. It's mind boggling that it's gotten this far. Eventually, enough will be enough and someone, some group will take a stand. I thought the Clive Bundy standoff might have been the first tipped domino to set things off. But the feds backed off before it fell.


Full Access Member
Constitutional congress is the answer now. Our representatives could stop it if they wanted to. Just think of the riots over the 18 year olds death all over the US, that is what we would if ostupid was removed from orfice. He is a communist and we are going to be too.

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