NFL denies another 2A ad


Full Access Member
The National Football League refused placement of this advertisement in the Official Super Bowl Program. Can you see anything wrong with the message the USCCA wished to present to America's football fans? Still, the league refused, without explanation, to allow this ad to appear in their program. Does that say something about what the NFL thinks about your rights or does that say something about the NFL being afraid of anti-gun groups? You decide. Check it out below…

Last year, the NFL denied Daniel Defense's commercial:



New member
Good commercial, but not superbowl savvy. I'd also leave out the AR style rifle and replace w/ shotgun or Hunting rifle w/scope....a little less "in your face" than a type of rifle under fire by the effin' libs!
Leave the politics out of the superbowl and enjoy the game!


Full Access Member
That DD commercial is anything but "in your face." They don't even show a rifle. Anyone offended by that needs serious help.

It is also not political at all. It a company advertising, nothing more.

How many lives are ruined by alcoholism and drunk drivers? How many lives have been saved by a beer? They have no issue showing Budweiser commercials.
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I actually don't watch the NFL either. I do watch the Superbowl.... just for the ads and I hate commercials.

I am however happy the racing season has started. It was fun to watch Viper win its class in Daytona


Super Moderator
The only game I watch is the SB. And that's only if I don't have anything better to do. I watch as much for the commercials as I do for the game. At least I have something to talk about around the water cooler Monday morning. But since I work by myself the conversation is kinda one sided.


New member
That DD commercial is anything but "in your face." They don't even show a rifle. Anyone offended by that needs serious help.

It is also not political at all. It a company advertising, nothing more.

How many lives are ruined by alcoholism and drunk drivers? How many lives have been saved by a beer? They have no issue showing Budweiser commercials.

I was referring to the Youtube TV ad where they show a silhouette of a ar rifle at the end of the commercial. The print ad for the superbowl is not "in your face", but still not appropriate for a sports program IMO.....unless the superbowl was being held in Texas!:)
Go Seahawks!


Full Access Member
I was referring to the Youtube TV ad where they show a silhouette of a ar rifle at the end of the commercial. The print ad for the superbowl is not "in your face", but still not appropriate for a sports program IMO.....unless the superbowl was being held in Texas!:)
Go Seahawks!
I was referring to the same commercial. How is it not appropriate? Does it show something wrong? Does it show something illegal? Does it promote irresponsible behavior? Does it exploit women? Oh wait, it simply advertises a product and highlights the importance of family. How awful. We need more beer commercials instead.


Super Moderator
Well....when I'm out working it is just me, myself and I. Unless I tell myself to go sit in the truck then it's just me and I.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I too am glad racing season is far as this ad I see it as an ad for the military as well as Daniel Defense. Does not offend me or anyone in my family. I don't see it offending anyone. As far as the NFL goes you can't even bring a purse into Raymond James stadium were the bucs play....but I can bring a backpack into the movies that can hold an ar15...
Just a thought......
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
The NFL denies lots of commercials and sponsors. They are in the business of entertainment and often shy away from anything that can be divisive to their audience.
I watch Packers games during the season, but unless GB is playing I rarely watch the SB.


Super Moderator
Well....I watched it. Since I've cut the cable I had to watch it through my Roku. Wouldn't you know, they didn't show the commercials. Just the game. Which was actually pretty good. I thought the Seahawks had it with that amazing last bobbling catch. Put them a half yard from another touchdown. Then they threw an interception? Who called that moronic play? You still had numerous attempts to run it in. Unfrickenbelievable!!!


Full Access Member
Yes, Pete Carroll royally screwed that up. In that situation, it is a no brainer. You definitely give Marshawn Lynch, aka Beast Mode, the ball.



Active member
I don't watch football at all. I am not a fan, but even if I did I would probably have stopped watching as soon as a started. They get their players off and on really heinous crimes and say "well he really didn't mean to beat that woman up, he was just drunk." I don't want to watch a group of individuals that should be behind bars. I am sure that not all of them are that bad, but I actually think that there are people in the higher up areas of the NFL that may actually encourage such behavior because their players are special and deserve everything and anything they want at any time. Am I wrong in that assumption?


Full Access Member
Millionaire athletes playing ball and doing what they want legal or not. It would be the golden rule.The people with the gold rule.

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