New York manhunt continues

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Now there you go blaming Goofy..I say those two guys could be up in Canada or hiding in some pre planned bunker ten miles from the for Mrs. Mitchell...she is looking at least 7-10 years in prison.


Super Moderator
There's just no telling how far or what direction these guys have gone. They may have even split up and gone separate directions. And yeah, she needs to go away for a very long time. The escapees probably sweet talked her and made her empty promises. They played with her emotions and she fell for it big time. Dumb....just dumb.


Full Access Member
Literally at this point they could be anywhere in the world. Passports ID all could be made in prison along with contact persons. Hope no one is injured when they are caught!!!!! Except the.!

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Update: Escapee Richard Matt was shot and killed by the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Team just outside of Malone, New York this Friday afternoon. A 20 gauge shotgun was found near his body and thought to be stolen recently from a cabin they had broken into. His partner David Sweat is thought to be still in the area and the searches continues.

New York prison escapee Richard Matt killed -

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Well the search is over after three weeks of looking for the pair, as David Sweat was shot twice by a trooper near the Canadian border on Sunday. He is in a hospital under intensive care and guarded. Officials say he was not armed at the time of the shooting. Nearly 1300 police and border guards were used in the search.


Full Access Member
Drunk shoot 3 times in head and the other shot 2 times in the back. I know these were evil men and they deserve death/ but.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Too bad Sweat didn't die either..would of saved taxpayers some money...both were worthless to society in my opinion.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I can't even guess the man hour cost for having 1300 police and border patrol officials searching 24/7 for three support with helicopters, communications, housing, food, etc...but at least they got them.


Full Access Member
$10,000,000 would be a good start. Not to mention all the injuries to personal from the rough terrain.

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