New Jersey is at it again.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
So there was a domestic complaint and they had the power to pry up his gun is this Germany 1935???


Full Access Member
Stop policing for profit. 30lb 's of powder no but I do have 5 gallons of gas for my tractor.


Full Access Member
Great, let's make the victim of an assault with a deadly weapon totally incapable of defending himself.
So the wife is the assailant. She is removed from the premises and ordered to not have any contact with the victim. Why take his guns? Who exactly does that protect?

Oh, and if he gets his collection back, everyone will know where he lives and that he may not have a safe anymore.

Why not just put a big sign in his front yard reading "EASY PREY, OPEN SEASON"

How many times must this man be victimized?

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