New guy from Tennessee!!!


New member
Hello!!! I am from originally from Tennessee. But I am currently stationed in Cali as of right now. I am United States Marine. I love America, my family, guns, cars and trucks!

I own a Remington 870 tactical 12 gauge shotgun with a 18.5 barrel in black synthetic stock with a factory extension tube. I bought it in N.C. when I was stationed there. I loving shooting this shotgun!!! I just need to put a 6 position stock on it for my wife to shoot it from the shoulder controllably. She can shoot it from the hips and shoulder ok.

I also have a Remigton 550-1A 22LR tubular magazine semi automatic rifle. It was made in April of 1957. It was my father's rifle he learned how to shoot that he got he from his father. I love this rifle!!! And it is my favorite firearm so far. I could shoot it all day if it was't for being a 22LR.

I have a Mosin Nagant 91/30 in a monte carlo black synthetic stock. I bought it with the original wooden stock for $200 from a friend. It also came with the orginal sling and ammo pouches. I already got a fresh spam can of 440 rounds at home for it :crazy:

The pistol I own is a Smith & Wesson M&P 9. I absolutely love this pistol!!! I will definitely be getting another pistol in 9mm,40,45 or 38. It is funny how I came about getting this pistol in Cali. One morning after waking up, my wife looked at me and said "let's get a pistol today." I looked at her as being crazy because of getting a pistol in Cali takes a scarfice and a blood of a virgin!!! Well we headed to a near by base and looked at what they had and this pistol was the cheapest, easiest to handle, and my wife wanted a 9mm over a 40. Also doing the paperwork for me being military made it easy doing it on bade instead out in town. I bought it that day and glad I did. Because when we came back to pick it up, all their inventory of pistols were gone!!! We went to a near by gun rang the next day and shot the pistol without any major defaults. I just had to work on my wife with we stance. She picked up the knowledge and skills to operate a pistol pretty quick. The pistol is pretty accurate. On the first shot I was just out of center bulleyes of the target by a 1 inch at 20 yards. After that I just had to adjust. My wife is pretty accurate also.

My wife's only problem is trying to load the magazine with rounds. Other than having a hand loader, what do recommend for her?

Also after getting my wife a pistol, she wants a 38 stub nose pistol revolver like the the Ruger LCR in 38 special. She hasn't shot a revolver in about 2.5 years. She is going to test out one at the local gun range sometime tho. Do y'all recommend that pistol or something like it? I will probably get it for her in a couple months tho.


Full Access Member
Welcome, we are glad to have you and congrats on the M&P. My ccw is an M&P in 357 Sig and I really like it. Eventually, I plan to add the 22 version as well. I can't reall help with the snubby but if it were me, I would also look at a J-frame if this is something she plans to carry and something larger if she isn't going to carry it.


Active member
I also have a Remington 870 Tactical, but mine is a new purchase so I have not fired t yet, mores the pity. I also served, US Army 98-01. Welcome to the Weapons Forum.


New member
Thank y'all for y'all's service also!!! Yea my wife plans to carry maybe when we are in Tn. She just wants a snub nose pistol that is a Ruger. She is dead set on it. Shooting the Remington 870 is a like a dream!

I have a question, I have been trying to look this up all night. But what is the shortest barrel I can have on a pistol in Califonria? I have googled it and can't find a positive answer. Because the LCR has a 1.88 barrel, the dealer said they couldn't ship it to Cali for me. Is it on a post ban list or too short of a barrel?


Full Access Member
If barrel length is an issue, Ruger also makes the SP101. It will handle 38's just fine and will also hold up to a heavy diet of 357 magnum. IIRC, you can get it with a 2.25", 3", or even 4" barrel.


New member
Thank y'all for the replies!!! I have been looking around the forum some. Pretty good material and info here. Yea, I looked at the SP101. I may have to get that for my wife. Also the extra weight may help with the recoil.


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