More propaganda from Everytown for “Gun Safety”


Full Access Member
"For years, the NRA has been steadily advancing a deadly vision for our world:

A world where it's fine to shoot first and ask questions later. A world where anyone can carry a gun anywhere -- schools, churches, bars. A world where criminals and the severely mentally ill can buy guns with no questions asked.

Make no mistake: They're putting you, me, and an entire generation of our children at risk.

We can do better than this guns anywhere, anytime, for anyone vision for our country, so I'm asking you to step up and make a year-end gift now. Together, with your support, we can defeat the NRA and hold back their extremist worldview.

Join this fight with a year-end donation of $5 or more now.

Our ambitious plan for 2015 means opposing the NRA at every turn. And though we may not win every battle, every time we fight, we'll permanently weaken the NRA's grip. And when our elected leaders fail to live up to their promises, we'll be there to remind them who they work for.

So, how much can we accomplish in 2015? That depends on you.

For the first time in a generation, Americans are standing up and saying "Not One More" -- but this work is far from finished, and I want to know if you're ready to fight in the year ahead.

Join this fight now with a contribution of $5 or more to power the movement through 2015.

Thank you so much,

Shannon Watts
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

P.S. -- If you've donated recently to Everytown or Moms Demand Action, I want to thank you for your generosity. If you haven't yet made your year-end gift, I hope you'll consider giving now to support this important work."

Get out and fight these scum sucking liars.


Full Access Member
deadly vision for our world: Seems funny that all the crime has gone down double digit. The government and politicians are the largest criminals now.


Active member
This again is just another stepping stop to our destruction.

I want to live in a world where the rights of the people are destroyed and made into helpless serfs once again. I want to live in a world where I, (Insert Political name) can be KING or EMPEROR and have the witless masses bowing at my feet. I WILL make my agenda known to my enemies and when they are to weak, or to stupid to fight back, I will be there to stomp on them with my armed guards and show them what REAL power is.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else?


Full Access Member
It's just the same crap the antis have been spouting for decades. It's why I am an NRA life member, NRA-ILA sustaining member, and SAF contributor.

A wise man once said, "There are times to sit down and keep your mouth shut. And there are times to stand up an shout. Wisdom is knowing the difference between the two."

Every time they spout their propaganda, fear mongering, and lies; someone needs to be there to counter it with reason and facts.
It doesn't do any good to preach (or bitch) only to those that agree with you. Arm yourself with facts, be polite, and engage in the debate. That is the only way to hold the line.


Super Moderator
"A man with a gun is a citizen, a man without a gun is a subject."

I choose to be a citizen.
I choose not to be dependent.
I choose to be able to protect myself and loved ones.
I choose to make my own life.
I choose to be left alone by the government.

As a subject, your government makes all your choices for you.

And that is what these idiots are striving for. But they're too short sighted to see it.

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