looking for magwell to hold in vise

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm looking for something like a Maxwell that slides into magazine to hold rifle while I work on it, I know there's a bunch out there just thought I'd get info from someone who has one.. Thanks, Concealed 27


Super Moderator
I've worked on my AR by cutting a piece of wood the correct size to fit the mag well. Seemed to work alright. Hey, when you're in the middle of a project you're trying to complete, you get inventive.


Full Access Member
If you have a Tap Plastics in your area pick up a block of nylon or other polymer and shape it to fit. I bought a generic Brownells one and had to whittle on it to make it work. To do it again I would just make my own and save the $$.


Full Access Member
I have a Squirrel Daddy that I really like. I bought it off Amazon I think. Used it on my last build and it worked great. http://www.squirreldaddy.com/AR-Lower-Vise-Vice-Block-p/20-101a.htm

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