Jesse Ventura also blast Chris Kyle

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Former pro wrestler and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura has joined director Michael Moore and actor Seth Rogen in denigrating “American Sniper” and its subject, the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

Mr. Ventura said during an interview Wednesday that Clint Eastwood’s “American Sniper” — which he has not seen — is as authentic as his 1970s “Dirty Harry” cop films. He then said the famous sniper was a man without honor.

“A hero must be honorable, must have honor. And you can’t have honor if you’re a liar. There is no honor in lying,” Mr. Ventura told The Associated Press, referring to his defamation lawsuit against the late SEAL’s estate over a subchapter in his autobiography titled “Punching Out Scruff Face.”

I liked to of seen those three even serve one month over in Iraq and gone thru what Chris indured.


Super Moderator
You'd think he'd learn to shut his trap. Now he's in the same boat as Michael Moore. The USS dinghy - Irrelevant.


Staff member
Kyle and he have had a history. Kyle claimed that he got in a fight with ventura years ago after he talked bad about the military. It's been an on going legal battle for years as ventura has been trying to clear his name and did in court. Now wants severance pay for tarnishing his name. Dumb if you ask me.


Full Access Member
Regardless of the truth of their history, continuing to blast Kyle and Eastwood is pretty stupid. Ventura is doing himself no favors.


Full Access Member
160 confirmed kills are a lot of demons to live with. The fact that we call him a Hero is because of the side of history we are on. What does that make these assholes that call Kyle something else.


Full Access Member
Ventura is in the business of causing controversy he makes his living in self promotion. When it the last time you hear his name before this incident?

If he supports Kyle, nobody knows about it. But if he bashes Kyle then he is in the news and people are talking about him again.
He can make a run through the talk shows and get paid to be an ass.

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Active member
I thought he crawled under a rock for awhile. Seems like he decided to come out of his hole and pain the "I am an ASS!!" bulls eye on his back again. Open mouth, insert agenda/hatred.

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