Imperial Storm Trooper arrested

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
LYNN, Mass. — A Massachusetts man is facing charges after he was spotted outside a city elementary school dressed as a "Star Wars" storm trooper, complete with fake gun.

Forty-year-old George Cross donned the white plastic costume and walked near Brickett Elementary School in Lynn on Wednesday.

Cross says he just bought the costume and was walking through the neighborhood showing friends.

But the principal called 911 to report a man with a gun, and the school was briefly locked down.

A police spokesman tells the Salem News (Lynn man's "Star Wars" stormtrooper costume triggers school lockdown* - Salem News: Local News ) the way things are in today's society, "you can't have that" and said Cross "used bad judgment."

Cross was released on personal recognizance after pleading not guilty Thursday to disturbing a school and loitering.



Full Access Member
The new phone books are here and this principal is celebrating. Idiots rule the world!!!!!!! WTF is wrong with our college grads?


Super Moderator
Cops were called, OK. Saw that he wasn't a threat and still arrested him. Not OK. IMO what should have happened was the officer should have released him and asked him not to hang out in costume near the school (he wasn't on school property anyhow). He was scaring the adults. I bet the kids thought it was cool if they'd seen Star Wars. Then told the principal that it's just a costume right down to the gun. Nothing to be afraid of.

But then, what is a 40 year old man doing dressed up in a Stormtrooper costume? Even if it is his right to do so. Now if it was Darth Vader? That's an entirely different story.


Full Access Member
Everyone knows that stormtroopers can't hit a thing anyway...where's the danger:favorites37:


Full Access Member
Yep, pretty ridiculous all the way around but arresting the guy was way over the line.


Active member
Sometimes I have to wonder if that movie called "Idiocracy" was not a hint as to what our future is going to look like.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Sometimes I have to wonder if that movie called "Idiocracy" was not a hint as to what our future is going to look like.

That movie was hilarious, I hope that's what's gonna happen after the next election, to me it's choosing the lesser of the evils. Barack has got us going in that direction...lmao if you have not seen that movie you will get a kick out of it or hate's one of those u love or hate, I loved it......
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
It will take a long time to get the socialist out of our government, if possible.

I don't see how. They're not just in the government. Schools and media are just two of the places they are at that have major influence over what most zombies think. Since so many people won't/can't think for themselves they rely on these sources to tell them what to think and how to feel.

Schools get the young ones and and start the process and then college puts on the full court press. Then when they're not in class CNN, MSNBC and other fill in the gaps. I can't stand how the networks put a slant on a story to further their agenda. There is no non biased news anymore.

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