Hog hunting - Texas style


Full Access Member
Nah, hogs are an invasive species and highly destructive. It is perfectly legal to kill them by any means. If anybody was going to go after them, it would be the BATFE. I wonder what they used.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Nah, hogs are an invasive species and highly destructive. It is perfectly legal to kill them by any means. If anybody was going to go after them, it would be the BATFE. I wonder what they used.

Looks like some type of IED device in force..hate to of been in that blast zone. I bet too government officials are zeroing in on these guys..with PETA right behind them.


Full Access Member
Tannerite was my first thought when I saw the video but that was a pretty big blast. It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't a small fertilizer bomb.

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