First Time Shooting a Gun


New member
We went to the range today. I joined as it would be my first time shooting a gun. It was a lot of fun. Now I am at home playing Uncharted 2 on my PS3 wishing I could shoot some of the guns in this game. lol


Super Moderator
We went to the range today. I joined as it would be my first time shooting a gun. It was a lot of fun. Now I am at home playing Uncharted 2 on my PS3 wishing I could shoot some of the guns in this game. lol
Well what were you shooting? How did you do? Shooting can be a great hobby. Can get a little expensive depending on what you shoot but as long as you're safe and having fun, it's all good. Glad you had a good time.


Active member
He used a Browning BL22 Rifle and a Ruger single 6 revolver that I am aware of. He didnt do to bad for his first time.


New member
I shot a Ruger Single Six, Walther P22, Browning 22, Winchester 22, and one that looked like James Bonds gun.


Full Access Member
Glad you had fun .... That's a good assortment to learn with:) .... I would love to shoot the Walther and my name is James:cool:


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We had two walthers but each one has a different feel for sure. And the P22 is the only one of the two that actually had a lock for the slide other than with an empty clip. Other than that I dont think there is anyway to lock the slide back.

But for those that are looking for a XDM .40 I would recommend getting the one my father is using. Its the longer version, but it is a nice handling weapon and has an adjustable rear iron sight.

The XDS is also a nice weapon if you actually dont let your hand tighten up at the last moment ruining your shot. I need to work on my handling of the weapon when I get ready to fire. I have noticed that on one of my shots where I didnt tense up when I squeezed the trigger I almost hit dead center. But that only happened once.... I need to learn to relax my grip a little but not so much that I hit myself in my head with the weapon when I fire it.


New member
I will say that of all the guns that I got to use, my favorite was the Ruger. The feeling of that gun was sooooooooooo comfortable, that shooting it was like using an extension of myself.


Super Moderator
My favorite gun is an old Ruger P85 9mm. It holds 15 rounds and points naturally for me. So I know the feeling.


I really enjoyed shooting the XDM .40 for the first time......

At least I'll have a bunch a targets for next time


Active member
I hate it when that happens.

hehe I never actually hit myself, I was just saying that because it did come close a few times :p I think that with my grip being so tight that I was over compensating. I just need to practice more and get a lot more comfortable with the weapon.... Practice makes all the difference


Super Moderator
You can see video's all over Youtube of people (women with bad form) shooting a high powered rifle or shotgun and beaning themselves. The guy behind the camera should be shot for letting it happen. Serious injuries have occurred. Instead of making a fool of them, they should be teaching them proper handling of firearms. Knowingly allowing people to hurt themselves is NOT funny.

And I've always known how to handle a weapon. I've never beaned myself. Well..there was that one time we were shooting skeet with a shotgun off the deck of a cabin cruiser in rolling seas. Took two shots and said that was enough. Hard to keep your balance in those conditions.
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Full Access Member
You can see video's all over Youtube of people (women with bad form) shooting a high powered rifle or shotgun and beaning themselves. The guy behind the camera should be shot for letting it happen. Serious injuries have occurred. Instead of making a fool of them, they should be teaching them proper handling of firearms. Knowingly allowing people to hurt themselves is NOT funny.

And I've always known how to handle a weapon. I've never beaned myself. Well..there was that one time we were shooting skeet with a shotgun off the deck of a cabin cruiser in rolling seas. Took two shots and said that was enough. Hard to keep your balance in those conditions.

I agree 110% and not because I am an instructor, because it's just stinkin' mean and dangerous!

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