Ferguson Oath Keepers Threatened


Super Moderator
Oath Keepers went in to protect businesses from being looted or burned. At first everything was alright between them and the local police. But then the government got involved and threatened arrest for operating without a license. Are you freakin' kidding me. Operating without a license? Were the looters and arsonist operating with a license? Government doesn't like anyone to have guns but them.

Government Threatens Police Academy Instructor, Other Volunteers With Arrest For Protecting Ferguson Businesses - Bearing Arms


Full Access Member
Operating without a license? That is a complete crock of shit since they aren't employed by those businesses.


Super Moderator
Operating without a license? That is a complete crock of shit since they aren't employed by those businesses.

Exactly! They were volunteers. They were helping out the community by protecting those businesses. The police couldn't be everywhere so they stepped in to assist. And as usual the government and their excessive regulations fux things up.


Full Access Member
This wasn't even a case of excessive regulations. It something worse, straight up abuse of power because they want more power and control. That is completely inexcusable and there is no excuse for any officer who knowingly follows orders they know to be wrong.


Full Access Member
They would really unhappy if the KKK offered to help protect the city. Like the black panthers offered to burn it down. Send Wasserman Shultz and De blosio to protect it. To communist traders to our country.

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