EOTechs finally coming down...


Full Access Member
For our tactical rifle my philosophy os use envisions a Optic that makes sense in a Tactical environment.. So a red dot like an Aimpoint PRO or a Holographic Weapons sight like an EOtech 512 make the most sense to me.
Both models are also at the respective entry levels for their "professional grade" brands


Active member
I want an EOTech eventually . . . . but man the price needs to be a little more right than they are now. Its getting better, but still a bit to rich for my blood.


Full Access Member
You guys gottoabe kidding me. This is a professional grade laser projected Holographic Weapons Sight. Not a mere Redot which is a lesser (and easier to build) technology.

An Eotech is what was used to shoot Bin Laden.
technology like this WILL make you a faster shooter and that split second is often all the difference in the world..

Its down to 300 Bucks.. that's a steal these used to be $450 and worth every penny (u can still buy more expensive ones than the 512 but I like the 512 because it used the most common batteries in the world and is the most affordable way to enjoy such a sight.


Active member
Nope not kidding . . . flat broke right now . . . . but then the EOTech I am looking at is still $1000 hehe


Full Access Member
Nope not kidding . . . flat broke right now . . . . but then the EOTech I am looking at is still $1000 hehe

Sorry ot hear...
My income has also taken a nose dive recently.

But I still have a very generous stash of rifles, multiple quality optics and 5 figures of Ammo to operate off from when I was loaded.

This will last me for a while I hope.


Full Access Member
I just picked up an EOtech since I was down one when I sold a rifle with Eotech on it and one of my EOtechs crapped out (after years of hard service)

Cost me 460 Bucks..for a 512A65

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