Drought= NewBanking Crises?


Full Access Member
So when it falls off the continent we lose nothing. Sever drought seems like a clue. Take as many libtards with you please as possible.
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Super Moderator
Drought, wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, Hollyweird. Sounds like a great place to be. NOT!

I visited there once. The weather was nice while I was there. That's about it.

And I don't want them to mass exodus. I want them all contained where they are.
Don't be spreading their weirdness elsewhere. No offense........
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Full Access Member
There is not enough water to irrigate the crops, but you can bet the barn that all the ritzy golf courses are nice and green.

The tap water in parts of North Dakota will burn because of contamination from fracking.

Algae blooms in Lake Erie from fertilizer run-off is making the water unsafe to drink, even if boiled.

The way things are going with wasting water, fracking, pollution, etc. There is a real chance that in 20 years, fresh water will be the new oil.

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