Daddy's got a .45 Music Video


Super Moderator
I'm not much of a country music fan but ....

[ame=]Daddy's Got a .45 - Kaylee Rutland (Official Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]


Super Moderator
That song is complete crap.

So is the video IMO, and she don't lip synch very well. But it had to do with a gun so I wasted my time and watched it and figured maybe a Country music fan might like it. I kinda figured Daddy's .45 would be an ACP too, not a revolver.


Super Moderator
I take it she will never get laid.

Girls that are tied and strapped down like that, they were the ones that the second daddy turned his back or he wasn't around, she got down with the program. Them were the best kind of girls to get in my days. Certainly the most fun and if you wanted a guarentee you'd get some action... Talk about freaks. Every single chance she'd get to get nailed, you can bet I was getting a call. Having my own house and car at age 17, there was booty a plenty.

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