Congressional canidate gun giveaway

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Congressional candidate gun giveaway

Now here's something you don't see everyday....

Didier 4 Congress | Freedom Is . . .

Some his positions:

Didier does not believe people should rely on government handouts. He has said that businesses should be allowed to fail in the free market and social programs for the poor should be slashed.[5]

Didier advocates a non-interventionist foreign policy, similar to that of Ron Paul. Didier says: "I subscribe to Jefferson’s view, and favor a non-interventionist philosophy. We need to stop trying to police the world and telling other nations how to manage their affairs. It is depleting our wealth and draining our national spirit. America is a republic; therefore let’s stop trying to spread 'democracy.' "

Didier supports the Arizona immigration law.
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