Bryant Gumbel: NRA is curse upon the American landscape


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HBO "Real Sports" host Bryant Gumbel slammed the NRA, calling them a "curse upon the American landscape," in a new interview with Rolling Stone.

Gumbel said he "hate" the NRA and called them "pigs" who "don't care about human life" when asked by Rolling Stone about a recent segment he featured on the "Eat What You Kill" movement.

'Real Sports' host Bryant Gumbel: NRA is 'curse upon the American landscape' | Fox News

I guess one day I'll be bacon. So how many of you are "pigs"?

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Everybody has their own opinion but I don't read that lib magazine Rolling Stone for Gumball he can stick to sports.


Super Moderator
He and Michael Moore are in the same boat. And I wish it were sinking in a shark infested pig farm $h!t pond. I know.....what do I have against sharks.


Full Access Member
Boycott his show and let the station know you will not watch him. Scum bag. He has over stepped his usefulness.

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