Bill introduced to let soldiers/federal civilans to carry weapons on bases

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Service members and federal civilians could carry personal firearms on military bases under a bill introduced Thursday by Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, that would reverse a 20-year-old policy on firearms.

“Why are civilians at a restaurant allowed to defend themselves but soldiers trained in firearms aren’t?” Stockman said. “Why can’t we extend common-sense gun laws like open carry to our soldiers?”

The Safe Military Bases Act, HR 3199, is Stockman’s response to the Sept. 16 shooting at the Washington Navy Yard and is similar to legislation introduced after the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas.

Stockman said mass shootings could be stopped if people on base carried their own guns.

“Our disarmed military bases are vulnerable targets for terrorists, as we saw in Fort Hood and the Navy Yard,” he said in a statement. “Despite that, soldiers trained to use guns cannot carry on base. The result is two mass killings where defenseless soldiers had to watch as their friends were murdered.”

“Saving lives by allowing trained soldiers to carry firearms should be an easy fix,” Stockman said. “No reasonable person can oppose that.”

His bill has six original cosponsors. It was referred to the House armed services and judiciary committees for consideration.

Firearms policies had been largely left to base commanders until 1992, when the Defense Department revised its regulations to limit who could carry weapons. At stateside installations, firearms were restricted by a Defense Department directive to law enforcement and security personnel, those guarding prisoners and those taking firearms training.


Active member
I hope that this could go through. It I a fact that guns deter crime and that armed people could make the difference between 1 injured/killed person vs. 30.


Super Moderator
Why does everything have to go through government as a Bill? Instead of introducing a new Bill, just get rid of the old one that banned guns on base in the first place. Too much red tape and bureaucracy. Get rid of the BS.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I agree SRT..... seems like politics are getting more crazy every day. I glad that I carry everywhere it's legal to, which is pretty much everywhere but federal buildings and bars...but that's gonna change soon in Florida, that will be nice I don't drink anymore but it's nice to sit at the bar with my girl. When we go out know we sit at a table so I can be armed.
Concealed 27

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeah I wished I lived in an oc state, I know that some people think their 1st targets but I see it more of deterrence for criminals but you need to carry the right holster for retention and safety.....
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Puleeze let this pass !!! IIRC, it was BlowJob Bill that took away guns from our military on base. I'd have to say there has been alot more killing on base without them being armed, than if they were.


Full Access Member
This is way past due. We have lost too many already because politicians have dissarmed the good men and women who put themselves in harms way for this country. What is even worse is that not all these tragedies occured on a relatively safe base here in the US.


Full Access Member
We can't trust our service people with guns state side because they may turn on there uncle.


New member
I hope they pass this for open carry and conceal carry. I have talked to my fellow Marines and they agree we should be able to carry if we want to. I would open carry and conceal carry. Now do any of y'all have the link to the bill? Also would it allow open carry, conceal carry just for military and law enforcement? What about me being in civilian attire? what about for my wife? Just wait until a uniform inspection and SSgt ask me what is in my cargo pocket? Just my two extra mags for my pistol hahaha.


Full Access Member
Open carry while on duty in uniform and ccw when not on duty or off base. What ever the law is off base.


Open carry while on duty in uniform and ccw when not on duty or off base. What ever the law is off base.


Make the work environment for the bad guys extremely dangerous to operate in, make only political offices and buildings "Gun Free Zones"

OK, maybe not that last part..... I already work in one of those gun free zones and it would be bad if it's the only shooting gallery in town


Full Access Member
Gun free zones are target rich environments. If one person MAY HAVE a gun it is a deterrent to attack.


Super Moderator
Something this simple to understand still won't sink into their thick skulls. Because it doesn't further their agenda. It doesn't matter that this is logical when their goal is to unarm everyone.


Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I hope they pass this for open carry and conceal carry. I have talked to my fellow Marines and they agree we should be able to carry if we want to. I would open carry and conceal carry. Now do any of y'all have the link to the bill? Also would it allow open carry, conceal carry just for military and law enforcement? What about me being in civilian attire? what about for my wife? Just wait until a uniform inspection and SSgt ask me what is in my cargo pocket? Just my two extra mags for my pistol hahaha.

Here's a link to the bill..pending in Congress.

H.R.3199 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Safe Military Bases Act | | Library of Congress

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