AK-47 maker Kalashnikov sends it's regrets

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
MOSCOW - Russian arms maker Kalashnikov expressed its sympathies on Tuesday to U.S. consumers who cannot buy the company's famous weapons as a result of sanctions over Ukraine. U.S. sanctions have struck some of Russia's most famous arms companies. They may also wipe out a recent deal Kalashnikov signed to deliver 80,000 to 200,000 guns a year for the next five years to the U.S.

"Kalashnikov regrets that consumers are faced with such a problem," spokeswoman Yekaterina Boni said. "The current situation shows once again that our weapons are very popular among Americans and the implementation of sanctions goes against their very own interests." The conflict in Ukraine has left relations between Russia and the West at their worst since the Cold War. Washington introduced rounds of sanctions against Russian individuals and companies and the European Union looks likely to follow suit after a Malaysian airliner was downed over territory held by Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine.

I say buy American anyway...:shooter:

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