A rifle as a crutch turns out bad


Full Access Member
So the "assault" rifle went off "accidently" and "fired a burst" through the ceiling.
But "Defense lawyer Gary Berlant adds Meyer had been assured the gun was not fully automatic"



Full Access Member
So the "assault" rifle went off "accidently" and "fired a burst" through the ceiling.
But "Defense lawyer Gary Berlant adds Meyer had been assured the gun was not fully automatic"


Yeah i'm callin bullshit.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
His girlfriend quote is like wtf???

Though his fiancee, Victoria Kohout, told authorities that Meyer was a "big teddy bear," her June 20 petition for the restraining order described him as an "unpredictable drug addict" who had threatened her with a gun, and threatened to burn down her house, slash her tires and break the windows on her car.

Plus charged with unlawful possession of a machine gun..this fat douche bag is looking at some serious prison time.


Full Access Member

What was the guy 3 feet tall or was it one of those rare civil war long machine guns he was using as a crutch ... Did the bullets go thru his arm pit and shoulder first, then thru the ceiling , If I was using a gun for a crutch I would have the butt of it under my arm pit and the barrel aimed at the ground. But then again that is just me I guess . Of course I wouldn't even use it for a crutch unless it was one of those rare civil war long machine guns , I am 6'1 .. What an Idiot !


Full Access Member
What difference does it make??

Sounds like a case of some redneck engineering. Fiddling with a rifle to make it full-auto. He thinks he has it and drops the bolt only to have it slam fire whatever is in the magazine.

Hang him high


Full Access Member
What a jack a.s.s making life harder fr all of us.
NEVER chamber a round in your apt under ANY circumstances.

I keep all my rifles SAFE in condition 3 or 4

ninja man

Full Access Member
talk about an idiot. a loaded, ok i can understand that, but a loaded weapon cocked and no safety? what was he thinking?


Full Access Member
1911's can do this. In fact all semi- auto guns can if the right requirement is met.

That's why its important to keep our AR's in condition 3 or 4 only, when around the house

(3: Magazine in, no rounds in chamber, hammer down
4: same as above but w/o magazine)

You still have decent readiness in condition 3 as all you have to do is to work the charging handle to chamber the round and charge the hammer and you are ready to fire w/o further ado.

But working the charging handle is not something that is possible by accident no matter how far you drop it.
It requires conscious and focused effort.

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