9 year old suspended after an empty brass casing fell from his pocket


Super Moderator
Will no one with common sense step up? The teaching staff has been brain washed with their college education and they are passing it on to the students. #17 of the Communist Goals. In this case they are teaching the kids that ANYTHING to do with firearms is bad and can get you suspended. They are teaching them to fear guns so that when they become adults they'll want nothing to do with them. An unarmed population is so much easier to control.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.


Full Access Member
I have a spent 9x19mm Luger shell (or casing?) standing around on my desk after I found it somewhere (why? because why not).
When my father saw it he got quite angry, and told me he doesn't want firearms in his house.
I might be wrong, but I think he jumped from one thing to a totally different one.
People seem to have a habit of going "spent shell once held bullet, bullet can be fired, you can get shot, people who got shot can die, soe spent shell=death", at least here in germany.


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