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I recently had some opportunity to benchshoot my DMR (Noveske chromed barrel) with 69 gr PPU HP Match.
69 gr PPU HP match runs around 50-55 cents a round if you look for good prices.
Almost affordable enough to run as a generalist real world load-out in an area (mountains, plains?) where you value accuracy.
I did not expect Black Hills like accuracy but what I got was very very close.
My 5 round groups from a bench (but not a clamp?) through this 1 in 7 Noveske barrel , at 90F into a headwind on a 300 m target again and again.
Generally w/o flyers (except one time which was my fault).
Groups were approx 2- 2.7 inch which equals 0.7-0.9 MOA
A chrome lined barrel w/o a bench clamp (even a scoped Noveske) pretty much tops out at this level of accuracy.. even with the very best of ammo, so this was an excellent performance IMO.
Also I had no short cycling at all, even though my DMR is one of my tighter ARs when it comes to gas tuning.
This speaks well for the powder load in this ammo.
– Easily accurate enough for DMR role.
– Affordable enough, to shoot often to get good and to stash it relatively deep.
I fully recommend this ammo for those who are looking for an affordable round to feed a DMR role, no need to pay nearly a dollar a round for Mk262 clones.
69 gr PPU HP match runs around 50-55 cents a round if you look for good prices.
Almost affordable enough to run as a generalist real world load-out in an area (mountains, plains?) where you value accuracy.
I did not expect Black Hills like accuracy but what I got was very very close.
My 5 round groups from a bench (but not a clamp?) through this 1 in 7 Noveske barrel , at 90F into a headwind on a 300 m target again and again.
Generally w/o flyers (except one time which was my fault).
Groups were approx 2- 2.7 inch which equals 0.7-0.9 MOA
A chrome lined barrel w/o a bench clamp (even a scoped Noveske) pretty much tops out at this level of accuracy.. even with the very best of ammo, so this was an excellent performance IMO.
Also I had no short cycling at all, even though my DMR is one of my tighter ARs when it comes to gas tuning.
This speaks well for the powder load in this ammo.
– Easily accurate enough for DMR role.
– Affordable enough, to shoot often to get good and to stash it relatively deep.
I fully recommend this ammo for those who are looking for an affordable round to feed a DMR role, no need to pay nearly a dollar a round for Mk262 clones.