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Just in case you don't believe me, :rofl: It was lunch time by the time I got the Fire Chiefs truck on my roll back so I swung by the house on the way to drop it off.



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I'd never wish any harm on anyone for their political views or what they believe in, even as a politicain but that damn sure doesn't mean I think he sould be impeached for his 3 scandals that he's going to play dumb as if he knew nothing of any wrong doing. Richard Nixon was man enough to resign knowing what was coming, and if Obama was any kind of man he would too. Of course we'd not be in any better shape with Biden at the helm. He just might be even more stupid than Obama with views and agenda.
I just hope the Republicans get someone to get their head out their ass. Sadly, I do believe the Republican party has shot themself in the foot and that is exactly what has allowed this idiiot to get into office not only once, but then a 2nd term. There is some good Republican youngblood doing some good things. I'd like to see one of them make a go of it for 2016.


Full Access Member
Why we are pissed any way. Most of us have one feeling left. It is not his color it is the content of his character. He is a socialist and will disarm us all if he can.


Full Access Member
Better be nice. I'm in Moore, OK you know. He was just here up close and personal and I'm in contact with the Fire Chief at Station 1 where Obama was at. I am friends with the Fire Chief's bro. I know he can get me back in touch with Obama if need be. I also do the towing for the city of Moore and wasn't long ago, I was over there towing one of thier Fire Chief rigs to the shop for a bad diesel fuel leak.

You guys should have heard the crap they went thru to have Obama here. CIA and Secret Service was here 2 days before the boss arrieved. The scoured the whole the city for potential hazards, went into buildings and took measurements, did a whole run down tour through every nook and cranny of that fire dept, and even wanted to know things like what is the burn rate of the carpet and drapes, the mental health of all the fire fighters assigned to that station and the list goes on. Absolutely crazy.

But yeah, don't jack with me, I'll get on that red phone. Post Up bitches. Being born and raised in Cali, (and I hate to admit that), I have some inside scoop on how to get in touch with Frankenstein too. POST AWAY or else !!!

OK, Worry's me a little that you HAVE that number.........:gr_grin:


Super Moderator
Little bit of care with that. Never know who might be lurking around.

Not only that,But i think that's a little extreme.

Agreed. What I was getting at when I said, I wouldn't harm anyone for their political views. And I really wouldn't, but I sure never expected he'd get elected, and damn sure didn't think he would the 2nd time after people had a 3 year and 9 month taste of his bullshit.

Let's just keep hoping that Checks and Balances keeps working, and pray hard that the elephants don't lose any seats and even gain some in the mid-tem elections. If they don't, we may as well pack our shit, head for the hills and dig in for cover.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
There already stealing our phone records..so might be better now to speak in code. Welcome to big brother everyone.:mad3:


Super Moderator
Obummer & Holder should both be gone right along with Learner. If they weren't instrumental in these scandals then they are lying scum (my vote) and if they didn't know what was going on then they are inept. Both reasons for them to be gone. I've got zero confidence in their ability.

Maybe if Obummer spent a little more time at the White House instead of golfing, rubbing elbows with celebrities, campaigning (even after he won) he might have a better idea what was going on.

Biden doesn't worry me. He doesn't have a clue let alone a plan like Bho does.


Full Access Member
Dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with bull shit. Flood the lines with so much bs their heads explode. Most of what is recorded is for recall when needed.Lots of company's do this for CYA and this is just on a massive scale. We need to use smoke signals.

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