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    Random Thought Thread....

    Why are they referred to as popcorn ceilings? They don't look a darn thing like popcorn.
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    Ruger 10/22 Thread

    It has one, you just have to look closely. Going for the minimal approach...
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    Passing of a friend

    That's hard to deal with. Especially if you raised from a kitten and have been attached from day one. Not a cat person but feel for your loss.
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    I've seen that too. Like they are measuring lumber or something. It can confuse people who are new to scopes and guns.
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    Deer attacks 2 men, steals cigarettes, & gets tased

    People just don't realize what a pack of smokes is worth in the forrest.
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    Ammo flying off the shelves

    Walmart seems no less stocked than normal here. Of course in rural Arkansas everyone already had a gun and stockpiles of ammo anyway...
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    Getting a .22 hand gun next month... Suggestions

    Been looking at .22 pistols as well. Find my self leaning toward the Ruger mk. Cousin has one and I love to shoot it. VERY accurate.
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    What model of AR-15 do you have/want?

    I really want to get an AR soon! I love the H&k but it is way out of my price range. Been looking at the bushmaster hunter in .308.
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    XD Chat

    Ordered directly from Pearce grips. If you google Pearce grip extensions their site will come up. About $27 for both extensions shipped.
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    XD Chat

    My XDS. Newly acquired and instantly loved! Before and after the grip extensions.
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    Great guns at or under $500?

    The guy I bought from has 2 extended mags coming for me. I'm leaning heavily to ordering a crossbreed myself.
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    Great guns at or under $500?

    Put about 60 rounds through it today. Pretty accurate for a 3.3" barrel. Yeah it has a lock, mag holder, holster, 2 mags and some extra pieces to replace the trueglo front sights. Green and red. I really like the little gun.
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    Great guns at or under $500?

    Well fellas, here is my choice. Picked her up today!
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    Holster section.

    I noticed that we don't have a section under handguns or accessories for holsters. If there is anyone like me, they like to look at as much info as possible before buying just about anything. I feel like having a section for just discussing holsters would be helpful. I don't know if anyone...
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    Serves The Right - Layoffs

    List doesn't even include a lot of local places around the country that are cutting out employees. It's going to be one hell of a ride for the next 4 years... Not in a good way.
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    Why do you carry?

    I see people talk about carrying in church but its one of the few places we actually CAN'T carry by law.
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    Great guns at or under $500?

    I have heard great things about the crossbreed holsters. Don't know anyone with the galco. I will have to look into some local stuff too, while I'm waiting on anything I may order.
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    Please Welcome High Noon Holsters to WF!

    Just checked out the site, nice looking holsters. Might have to give them a call for the new xds I'm getting!
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    Great guns at or under $500?

    So, what holsters are you XD-S guys using? I have already ordered 2 Pearce grip extensions for the gun and I don't even have it yet!
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    The WeaponsForum Big Giveaway I

    Nice! This is the first forum I have been on that had done this! Very cool idea.