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    Gun Appreciation Day - Jan. 19

    Local owners of a Chicken Express here are giving a free combo to people who come in on the 19th with their concealed carry. Thought that was pretty awesome.
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    Help me Welcome Josh and Crystal Impact

    Welcome! Looking forward to some possible shirts!
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    AR-15 Lowers

    I'm interested in this! Also AR-10 if you guys decide to go that route one day. Would love to purchase from a member.
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    Gun Appreciation Day - Jan. 19

    Nice. Love this.
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    Bank Of America customers

    I did a search before I posted but missed it somehow. My bad! Mods can feel free to delete this.
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    Bank Of America customers

    This is total BS. I'm moving my funds to a new bank.
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    How about T shirts and hats?

    I wouldn't mind that emblem on a black T as well.
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    Ruger 10/22 Thread

    Nice. Did they have any other than hollow point?
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    Ruger 10/22 Thread

    If I come across the blazer I'll try it for sure. My 10/22 I very finicky about ammo.
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    Ruger 10/22 Thread

    I've never seen that either.
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    Change of plans...

    I HAVE been looking into .308 lowers...
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    Ruger 10/22 Thread

    I use CCI mini mags almost exclusively. I've had problems with just about everything else. Well over 1000 rounds of the mini mags without a single issue. Every time I stop in a place that has them, I buy at least a couple hundred rounds.
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    Forbes article on gun control

    Great read!
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    Semi-automatic rifles, automatic assault rifles - question

    Alright my non-political and not long thought answer, for now. Peace of mind. I know that if I were to be assaulted I have equal ground on the man breaking into my home. I also hunt with these weapons. Sometimes a second shot is needed and a bolt action would be too slow to get it off. I spend...
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    Magpul Pmags

    You guys should check out the craziness on eBay. People are bidding them up like madmen. It might be worth it to put some on there and make enough money to double your mag stockpile when they get back in stock. That is, of course, if you are a complete JA.
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    Chuck Woolery on Assault Weapons

    The problem is most are extremely liberal. It blows my mind that actors will make millions off of violent, disgusting movies and then turn around and tell us we are horrible for responsibly owning and using firearms.
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    Random Thought Thread....

    You must be feeling very confused after this occurrence. I recommend taking 2 aspirin and seeing how you feel in the morning.
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    WeaponsForum Giveaway Results!

    Congrats guys! I'm a little jealous!
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    How about T shirts and hats?

    I'd be down to purchase a shirt.
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    What model of AR-15 do you have/want?

    Well I just put a bunch of cash down on a M&P 15. Going to be caught up with work and Christmas so I won't go back and pick it up until Jan. Unless I get super impatient!