Search results

  1. MrMarty51

    Mountain Man Rendezvous

    Have You done anything with Your C.V. rifle yet ??? If it were mine, on fixing the stock. Get some brass wire, or thin rod and some of that weather proof Elmers Glue, Remove the split off portion and clean off any glue residue from the stock and the split off piece of wood. Drill an apropriat...
  2. MrMarty51

    Black powder: percussion and flintlock

    I have several "Traditional" Black Powder rifles, two percussion and a flintlock too. All three in 50 cal and I like the flint lock the best. If a person has any bad shooting habits, that flint lock will let You know about it, teaches a person to press the trigger and HOLD, HOLD, HOLD, KERBOOOM...
  3. MrMarty51

    False Gun Group - watch out!

    I`m new in this forum and, looking through some of the older threads. Thank You for sharing this information. I hope You do`nt mind if I pass this along, into some other forums that I am a member of. I will let the people of the other forum know that, I got this from here, they are a group...
  4. MrMarty51

    Most powerful slingshot desighn

    Never tried to stick a banana init though.
  5. MrMarty51

    Most powerful slingshot desighn

    Spud launchers is K00Ler
  6. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    :hidesbehindsofa: I kno, gut a phew more, here`n there, prolly knot enuf tuh fillerup though. :hidesbehindsofa::happy175: Yuhr Welcomb, juz tryin tuh help help out. Thank Yuh. I did`n tell nobudy but, I red thuh buk, hukt oin foniks. it reilli helpt Meh.
  7. MrMarty51

    AR & AK mag group buy!

    Any AR-10 or M1 A1/M14 mags ???
  8. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    Thank You for the welcomes. I will be getting back to do some shooting, in probably a month or so, It`s been a long time since I have done any practice. I have a bunch of reloads for the AR10 and the M1A1 and I have some I reloaded for the M1. I need to get the new chrony set up and see how...
  9. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    HUH UH, :shakehead: Do`nt like showing pics of what I got, Well, OK. Without pulling them all out of the vault, I snapped a few for Youse guys.
  10. MrMarty51

    Finally !

    I clicked on the "tracking" part of the invoice an it did`n do anything. :insane::word::happy175:
  11. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    Welcome to the forum Didolent.
  12. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    :bowroflwerd6: Wy, Thank You, I`m that same young dashingly gud lookin man I was when I was in highschool, until I looks in the mirror. :emotions122: :happy175: Thank You for the welcomes.
  13. MrMarty51

    PFC Manning sentenced to 35 years

    HR, I`m with you on the snowden vs. manning theory.
  14. MrMarty51

    Off topic: Funny as hell incident

  15. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    Thank You. I`ll try and get in as often as time allows, fixing junkers is a full time job though.
  16. MrMarty51

    PFC Manning sentenced to 35 years

    Hang the bastrich, let the birds eatum, wont have to worry about not having tits then.
  17. MrMarty51

    Coming in From Eastern Montana

    That HotrodPC is a good guide, He got Me here then just sort of vanished into the sagebrush and cactus. I dont hunt much any more, mostly shoot papers and such. Dont like blobama either. Have a few rifles and pistols scattered here~N~there and drag them out once in a while, clean um shoot um...