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  1. sixtyin5

    This is my stance on "gun control"

    Yep! His arguments sound strikingly similar to the ones that I was "discussing" with a friend on FB the other day. And, to be fair, she really wasn't arguing, she genuinely wanted to learn more about the subject. I like that he he makes it about self defense. How many arguments have you seen...
  2. sixtyin5

    +P in an old Colt .38 Special

    :dito: What kwo said. Most handguns made after 1986 are safe to use +P in, but it gets hit or miss before that. And if the gun is pre circa 1958 and/or a revolver, DO NOT USE +P.
  3. sixtyin5

    Are you a Sheepdog?

    Another LTC Grossman gem!
  4. sixtyin5

    Guns in Schools

    One Texas School district already got it right!
  5. sixtyin5

    Woman shot in the head

    Funny story, but it's just that... a story. I have seen several versions of that same story since about 1998. Still a funny story!
  6. sixtyin5

    Greetings from the NW burbs of Chicago

    Great idea! Not really.... If you have shot the Pro Carry, the Ultra will not disappoint. The Ultra is just a little smaller, but it still feels and acts like a full sized 1911 to me. And my favorite feature is the very short trigger travel and audible trigger reset.
  7. sixtyin5

    Thinking of getting a Springfield XD-S

    If I put the Pearce extension on mine, it will essentially be the same size as my Kimber. Right now it is the grip size that makes it a little easier to conceal than the Kimber. Maybe I will change my mind after shooting it. ?
  8. sixtyin5

    Greetings from the NW burbs of Chicago

    Some good prices here: And here:
  9. sixtyin5

    Greetings from the NW burbs of Chicago

    You can get the Ultra Carry II like mine for a little over $700.
  10. sixtyin5

    Greetings from the NW burbs of Chicago

    Welcome! I think your top runner is a great choice, I love my Kimber. Having said that, I just picked up an XD-s today. Still haven't shot it, but it carried and conceals very well! ;)
  11. sixtyin5

    Holster section.

    I have a Remora that I use with my Kimber, and I just bought a Cell/PDA pal for my XD-s. So far, the Cell Pal is very comfortable, and the gun absolutely vanishes. I will have to work on drawing from it though... it's very different.
  12. sixtyin5

    Got my XD-s!!!

    Went to the local gun show today, and they actually had two of them! Since it's going to be my conceal carry gun, I opted for the less expensive blacked out model. Now I can't wait to get to the range!! I also bought the Cell Pal concealing holster.
  13. sixtyin5

    Are you a Sheepdog?

    If you have not read this entire piece of literature, I implore you to do so now. If you are a conceal carry licensed person, this should be required reading.
  14. sixtyin5

    Half the nation's worst shootings ever have occurred since 2007

    Don't be sorry. Rant away! I feel the same way. I have several friends who are teachers and all but one of them are FOR allowing teachers to conceal carry in the school. Personally, I think it should be mandatory. All of the anti-gun nuts are going to come out of the woodwork again and start...
  15. sixtyin5

    pretty good, what say you?

    Nice! I like it.
  16. sixtyin5

    Reloader's Reference. Free!

    This seems to be a great database for all of your reloading data. Also allows you to keep inventory on your reloads, and includes manuals for guns. All for free! Some big files to download, but worth it in the end. Start with the RRv93x74r.exe file, install that, then download and install the...
  17. sixtyin5

    The left at work...

    You mean like kids who don't receive enough discipline at home? I couldn't agree more!!
  18. sixtyin5

    Let's see your rides!

    Nice Victory! Cool pic in the snow!
  19. sixtyin5

    Let's see your rides!

    Nice! And it sounds pretty good too!
  20. sixtyin5

    Let's see your rides!

    Very cool! How do you like the Dart? I have been meaning to test drive one, but haven't found the time.