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  1. Humvee21

    Hidden in plain sight

    That is so cool
  2. Humvee21

    Chat Thread (DDD)

  3. Humvee21

    Anybody Do Any Reloading?

    One of you guys should start selling some of these reloads. I'm tired of paying up the butt for ammo but I don't have the time or patience to do all the reloading...
  4. Humvee21

    Vehicle holsters

    Oh alright. It's CCW in GA. I have a hard time finding a good holster for carry while sitting in a car. I have the BlackHawk Serpa holster right now for my Sig P250C. It is OWB since I am not yet legal to apply for a concealed carry permit. But the holster positions the gun perfectly where the...
  5. Humvee21

    Passing of a friend

    RIP Mooch. Sorry for your loss. Mooch is in a better place now
  6. Humvee21

    Ammo flying off the shelves

    Just checked my local Wal-Mart's and still no .45, 9mm, and .40. 1 box of .223 left
  7. Humvee21

    Vehicle holsters

    What's a chl?
  8. Humvee21

    Sig 22's

    I did not know that. Good info
  9. Humvee21

    Chat Thread (DDD)

    We all know that ain't true. You only have ninja stars!
  10. Humvee21

    Security guard WINS!!!

    He might get some job offers!
  11. Humvee21

    Sig 22's

    You are correct. I do not own a Sig 22X but I have seen so many good things about them. Especially the 226 is the navy's sidearm. I know that everyone who has a Sig 226 and 229 and 228 are extremely happy with theirs. One gripe I had with the 226 was the hammer. When you dry fired it the hammer...
  12. Humvee21

    Cold Water for Pervert

    X2. Be careful out there everyone. Bunch of weird ass people out there.
  13. Humvee21

    welcome Ford Raptor Forum people

    Same here man. Just making sure it wasn't just me
  14. Humvee21

    welcome Ford Raptor Forum people

    Is something wrong with FRF?
  15. Humvee21

    Ammo flying off the shelves

    Interesting. My buddy and me have been to 6-8 gun stores including your regular Walmart, Bass Pro, etc. and cannot find any .45 acp, .223, and .40... You guys are lucky!
  16. Humvee21

    What is your self defense load?

    Hornady .45 acp 185 grain XTP
  17. Humvee21

    Ammo flying off the shelves

    Anyone else noticing ammo is flying off the shelves? Can't find any .45 ammo anywhere in GA.
  18. Humvee21

    Know Thy Enemy - Gun Control

    Have you guys seen this? I'm not too familiar with the NRA so I am not sure of their political agenda, but they are an obvious advocate for the 2nd amendment. But how much is this video skewed to achieve their political statement? And if it's not skewed at all, then I don't see our gun control...
  19. Humvee21

    Great guns at or under $500?

    Look into the Sig Sauer P250 series. Make sure that it is a Gen 2 version that you are buying. You can tell by the logo on the frame. This is how you tell: If you know the youtuber, nutnfancy, he did 2 awesome reviews of this gun. You should definitely check it out. It is a HIGHLY... I...