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  1. K

    Funny Pics

    What I see are communist and capitalist.
  2. K

    Funny Pics

    AND THAT IS THE TRUTH !!! Caution beware of unscheduled erections.
  3. K

    The Hacking Hag

    My point exactly why obey any law when the leaders of this nation don't? Criminals in government need to be removed. Hell we do it all over the world just not here !!!!!
  4. K

    The Hacking Hag

    This country will be lawless if cliton gets in office. Laws are for the little people not the rich, will end the republic .
  5. K

    Funny Pics

    I like the Hillary for prison !!!!!! enough camel toes to go around there.
  6. K

    Hurricane Matthew

    typhoons are backwards. Experienced one over seas. Here lost power at 1430 and restored at 0230. 75 mile per hour gusts no damage and only ran generator for 2 hours. Next time people will not listen to the government and stay home , They have to error on the side of safety.
  7. K

    Coming soon to my collection - a 10/22 Carbine

    It will do . Would kind of like the take down one.
  8. K

    Hurricane Matthew

    Power still on so far !!!
  9. K

    Funny Pics

    Missing goat and camel sex toy decoys.
  10. K

    Hurricane Matthew

    Seeing some light squall lines coming here in Levy co. Gas stations are marking all gas high test and screwing the people. Fights in line by the entitlement people. What a f----d up country. Hillary would be the last nail.
  11. K

    Hurricane Matthew

    This could be a bitch for Florida even over on the west coast where I live. Just shows that a vertical evacuation may be best for some. No getting out if left to late.
  12. K

    Russian HMG 12.7/14.5 Operating ManualS

    Got to start somewhere.
  13. K

    Russian Army’s Top 10 Curiosities

    If I die on the Russian front bury me with a Russian ----.
  14. K

    Hurricane Matthew

    Family in South Florida advice from old Floridian.Cap 3 to 5 get out early ,roads will clog fast. Class 1 or 2 high ground and gas up.
  15. K

    Funny Pics

    Used liberally.
  16. K

    Russian HMG 12.7/14.5 Operating ManualS

  17. K

    Tired of being fat

    Sounds like spontaneous human combustion.
  18. K

    The Hacking Hag

    Has worked for years !!!
  19. K

    What EVERY libtard needs - electrocution!

    Was no hot enough !!!!! 240 v. would have made him leave his shoes there.