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  1. L

    hello everyone

    Hello, everyone sets the pattern US democracy, like a Greek democracy in antiquity. I have never been in USA so I can not say anything about it. I can see that Tea Party gots a commonsensical views. In Poland we got some political parties. Two are the biggest PO (35%) and PIS (35%). Both of them...
  2. L

    hello everyone

    Hello I know that the biggest parties in USA are Grand Old Party and Democratic Party. I know some US's politics. We are going to choose President on 10th May. Now is very boring hustings in Poland. Really bottom. Regards for answear;)
  3. L

    hello everyone

    Hello Guys;) today Polish Parlament voted to change a date of celebration of end of WW2 from 9th May to 8th May. It is not the same. On first date was a Russian celebration, on secont European celebration. Now we are in Europe! Whats up in USA??
  4. L

    Hello, are you interested in Vietnam war;) I am also;) regards Magda

    Hello, are you interested in Vietnam war;) I am also;) regards Magda
  5. L

    hello everyone

    Yes, the most important thing for Eastern Europe is energy. It is the most important thing for our economy. We are still not independent from Russian energy (oil and natural gas). There is not unity in UE and Russia is uses it. Some countries Hungary, Germany are buing gas in lawer price than...
  6. L

    hello everyone

    Hello Gentelmens, or rather Companions because Gentelmens are lying in Katyn's forest. I am sorry for my absence, I had lot of work but I am back. Why AFLCIO ran the government. I dont understand. I am a member of a trade union. Trade unions were changing the world in great way. In Poland...
  7. L

    hello everyone

    Russia could do everything it wants in Poland.
  8. L

    hello everyone

    Hello, there is a topic for people who are interested in explosive. Gemran journalist Jürgen Roth wrote a book about plane crash in Smoleńsk (2010). In this crash died Polish president and his wife. There died 96 people. They were flying on celebration of the anniversary of the massacre of...
  9. L

    hello everyone

    I got a problem with english grammar. I am always translating all the things. I am not thinking as English. That's a problem.
  10. L

    hello everyone

    For sure Coca Cola could kill insects ;) it is poison;) You know cockroaches are a part of a food's chain. If you kill insects other animals will also die. Btw. I will eat cockroaches if I live on a war's area. Of course if there were nothing to eat. I think that they got a lot of proteins.
  11. L

    hello everyone

    Cockroaches could survive a nuclear attack;) I know some people from Chernobyl (Ukraine). As you can remember there was a accident with Nuclear power plant in 1986. A lot of animals, people and plants were death but not a Cockroaches. They were and they are fine;)
  12. L

    hello everyone

    Hello I am back;) I had a long Eastern Holidays;) I know that in worm and humid climate as Florida gots people have a lot of problem with insects. In Central Europe we got this problem only in summer sth. about 2-3 months and it is not as huge problem, it is a small phenomenon. We got only...
  13. L

    hello everyone

    fight with insects;) they are everywhere;) I must say that you got a very vivid imagination...;)
  14. L

    hello everyone

    waspr spray ;) great. i can not buy it in Poland;) but yeah great chemical weapon;)
  15. L

    hello everyone

    thanks a lot ;) are you interested in conventional weapons f.ex. laser weapons?
  16. L

    hello everyone

    Hello thank you for fast request, I am thinking about chemical weapons.
  17. L

    hello everyone

    Dear Kwo51 world is starting excatly where we are, for me in Poland For You in USA;) I know that in USA are a lot of immigrants. For sure not all of them wants to adapt. I am not sure that Poland will never be invaded again. Now is a war in neighbouring country Ukraine, I am living near...
  18. L

    hello everyone

    Hello, great introduction to weapon's plain in USA. Thank you SRT;) The most important think for Polish people is that Germans should not get easily weapon;) it was a joke of course;) In Germany are living and working sth. about 1 milion Polish people;) I got some friends which are living...
  19. L

    hello everyone

    Hello, let me say in short about weapon in Poland. In Poland is the most restrictive gun law in our European Union. It is contecting with public views. Most Polish people are against the access to weapon for everyone. They are afraid of increase of crimes. Weapon can use Police, Army and some...
  20. L

    Another Nazi secret weapon

    unfortunetly for us USSR got a lot of Gas;(