Search results

  1. Rangel

    FIRST :) - 12 guage shotgun

    Maverick 88 academy 159$ field version 28" bbl
  2. Rangel


    Works for me
  3. Rangel

    Newb from Expedition/ Forum - TX Girl w Guns Woot!

    I'd like to get into 3gun. Doesn't seem to be many places around Houston though.
  4. Rangel

    A good gun youtube channel.

    They're pretty good, some of their stuff is ehh. The Yankee Marshall is about the same.
  5. Rangel

    Checking the place out.

    Just thought I'd come check this place out. I'm on a couple other boards pretty regular. Texas gun talk, XD talk, TYF(mostly just browse). Anyways I'm from Houston. Have a small but growing collection of guns. Hope this place turns out good,