Search results

  1. blockdoc

    Military Guns

    I've never had any love or respect for the 5.56. I only need high ammo capacity in a target rich environment. Then I can use multiple magazines. The M1 and M14 are solid. And if you're not gonna be packing it around, the ole Browning M2 is awful tough to beat.
  2. blockdoc

    Brand Choice

    Love my Rem 700 and my M1A. Will be getting a SCAR 17 soon. As was stated, it all depends on what you plan to do with it.
  3. blockdoc

    Greetings fellow gun nuts !

    Welcome. No love for the socialist here.
  4. blockdoc

    Stopping Power

    There's a whole lot that goes into stopping power. And a tremendous debate about it.
  5. blockdoc

    Hello from Western WI

    Welcome from the mountains of Kentucky.
  6. blockdoc


    How are they usually with kids, being kids to them? I always had boxers as a kid, and I was a little bastard - trying to ride them, played too rough, etc. They NEVER snapped at me, not once. When they got tired of my rotten ass, they'd knock me down & pin me to the ground with their chest. I...
  7. blockdoc

    What is your self defense load?

    PDX1 in .40 out of my Beretta Cougar just about blinded me at night from the flash. The Hornady critical defense had a lot less muzzle flash - like less than half as much. Out of my CX4 carbine, the flash was fine, but it's just not a good choice for my pistol at night. I still have some in...
  8. blockdoc

    Home Defense

    I work in an operating room. Blood has a smell; death has a stench. A gut-shot deer on a 70 degree day is nasty. Worst thing I've smelled probably is fournier's gangrene. Literally rot crotch.
  9. blockdoc

    Airport security and TSA

    Get a state legislator to introduce a bill to clarify and clean up the language. That's a really dumb restriction. In KY, the places you can't carry are: a bar, a courthouse, jail, police station, schools, day care, a meeting of the state general assembly, airport, or where federal law...
  10. blockdoc

    Prepping for new assault weapons ban.

    I'd be quite interested if you'll be around SE KY with it.
  11. blockdoc

    Airport security and TSA

    F that. You can keep stupid restrictions like that. I'm not going to be punished with stupid laws because North Carolinians (for example) elected morons.
  12. blockdoc

    Airport security and TSA

    Wtf - no carry anywhere that charges admission?? I see all the Yankees moving to FL over the years has taken its toll.
  13. blockdoc

    Need help picking ammo

    +1 on trying out different ammo types and manufacturers. If somebody has experience with the same kind of weapon, I'll be sure to try out their recs, but I still test it myself & don't just take their word for it. Each weapon can be a touch different.
  14. blockdoc

    Let's see your .357s

    I really wanna pick up a SP101 with the 4" barrel and fiber optic front sight. A buddy got one at a show recently, and we took it to the range afterward - I put 5 shots through one large hole at 15 yards. I've been looking for one since.
  15. blockdoc

    Concealed carry holsters

    I have an Uncle Mikes IWB that's toted my .40 for at least 10 years. It's showing some wear and needs to be replaced, but I've never had an issue with it. Its comfortable against my skin, which is important for regular carry. Something I use a whole lot is Thunderwear. I used to have a...
  16. blockdoc

    Getting a .22 hand gun next month... Suggestions

    I love my MK II. I've hunted squirrels with it, and did well in Camp Perry competition after just loading CCI green tags (no mods to the gun at all). Mine is a little old now; my parents gave it to me for Christmas about 20 years ago. Might be time for me to look at adding a newer MK II series...
  17. blockdoc

    Newb from Denver

  18. blockdoc

    New guy from Texas

  19. blockdoc

    Do You Hunt With A Pistol?

    I love hunting with my .44 mag super Redhawk (deer). I've hunted squirrels plenty with my Mark II also. Eventually I'll pick up a Redhawk in .45/454 Here are the first deer with my Redhawk. Taken maybe 20 seconds apart.
  20. blockdoc

    daughter took safety cores

    For 6 years I taught the class our state requires for concealed carry permits. My kids should have sufficient training by me. I have 3 simple rules for firearm handling. Always follow them & you'll never regret it. 1) never point a weapon at anything you're not willing to destroy. (a...