Westboro Baptist Wusses ran off in Moore, OK


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Moore had a support rally today for the tornado victims in front of the temporary school where the Plaza Towers students are attending this year while their school is being rebuilt.

This news link footage is from behind the cops on the Westboro side of the street. Needless to say, they were there with their signs for less than 5 minutes and the cops told them they couldn't protect them from the crowd that they'd escort them out of the city and they did. LMAO

Counter protesters push Westboro Baptist Church members out of Moore | Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com


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Active member
Good for them. Those WBC members were extremely stupid for trying that stunt. They are lucky that the police were there and stopped the crowd fro getting violent.


Full Access Member
Hell is packed with religious zealots, maybe they can raise some money down there.:yourself:


Super Moderator
Good for them. Those WBC members were extremely stupid for trying that stunt. They are lucky that the police were there and stopped the crowd fro getting violent.

I'm sure they got their point across for the 5 minutes they had their signs up. There was talk about them coming and the Moore Liquor who always posts things about the community had it posted on their Marquee, so they got attention before they even showed up, and they got the media to show up too, so their point was made, but I think it's great that for the first time that I'm aware of, they were ran off and escorted out of town. Apparently there were only like 6 or 7 of their SUV and Van type vehicles, but about 10 cop cars escorted them to the county line on I 35 to make sure they were well on their way.

IMO, Moore still won. And even greater that noone got hurt or arrested.


Super Moderator
BTW, this is what's on the Moore Liquor store marquee now.



  • WBCMooreLiquor.jpg
    95 KB · Views: 17


Super Moderator
Ohh, and I feel bad for the familes of those kids who died. WBC protest was for those kids who died stating they deserved to die and that God was punishing Moore and that's why he sent the tornado in the first place. Do keep in mind, Moore has some balls. They don't believe in this political correct bullshit. In our schools, our Pledge of Allegience does include Under God, and at Christmas time the city is decorated with Merry Christmas all over the place. For those who complained about it and being offended, they were told there are many cities that don't use Merry Christmas salutations so maybe you should consider moving out of Moore to a community that suits your needs and beliefs. :waytogo:


Full Access Member
They have the right to free speech if you can hear it over my Harleys pipes. These people have got to go some place they are not allowed to protest and see the real world.


Super Moderator
That's right. They do have the right to free speech and they are as free in this country as anyone else. It just pisses me off even worse than this situation, that the sorry asses go and picket at funerals of our service men and women who died, which are the same people who at one time fought and died to give the sorry ass bastards the right to free speech, just like the ones who are fighting today in a round about way to keep their free speech right. That's just some sorry ass shit. You can make your demented religious cult point in another way than to picket a fallen soldiers funeral. Furthermore, those soldiers didn't make the choice to go fight these battles. They're doing what they're told to do by the commander in chief and honoring the oath they took for this country.


Full Access Member
They should be in DC picketing these morons, it is ok to burn our flag but not the koran. This country is losing it's way quickly.

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