were is everyone

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I know that there are a lot of members here but I guess we don't have projects going on. Been real quite here lately .With the help of Palmer and I changed my vfg for a donated afg. I'm just glad I found this site I have made a lot of good friends here. Have managed to post quite abit since coming here, I only post on one other state related site. Thanks again for the Mapul gift palmer very kind of ya........ come on new members and post away.........
Concealed 27

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
We love to hear from the bosses viper ...... I know you and Birdman are busy but nice to hear from ya... I just passed 2000 posts, not the smartest guy here just like to comment here, so much info when u get to know each other.:pepper:
Concealed 27


We love to hear from the bosses viper ...... I know you and Birdman are busy but nice to hear from ya... I just passed 2000 posts, not the smartest guy here just like to comment here, so much info when u get to know each other.:pepper:
Concealed 27

me... a boss???????



Full Access Member
It is spring and we are out raping and pillaging.

I don't rape and pillage much anymore. But plundering? I'll always plunder every chance I get.

Spent the weekend at a buddies house working on his Jeeps. His '94 TJ was outside all winter and the mice chewed a bunch of the wiring, didn't get far with that one. And his '03 KJ needs new suspension, so we tore into it to find out what to order.

First nice weekend of the spring, so we spent some time around the bonfire last night with some other friends cooking brats and having a few biers.

Great to be back outside, can't wait til the morels starts popping:headbang:


Active member
I have been increasing my inventory and I have been spending most of the day getting the Cosmoline off my newest purchase. Trying to clean a Mosin Nagant can be something of a battle I have noticed.

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