Vote on MSNCB anti-gunners poll!


Active member
Perhaps its just me, but if a 5 year old was walking into school and blowing people away I think that would have been in the news by now. Has anyone heard of a 5 year old doing such a thing? Or are they talking about a deaf boy named "Hunter" that has to use his hand in the shape of a gun to say his name? This is a load of horseshit.


Super Moderator
Fortunately, the gun paranoia hasn't hit my little town yet. I had to go check some doors out at our high school. I usually carry but left it home since I was going to be on school property. I was able to get into the school unchallenged and went just about anywhere I wanted to. Nobody said a thing to me. I got the measurements I needed and walked back out. On one hand I'm glad they aren't scared silly like so many schools are but on the other.......well, maybe they should take it up 1/2 a notch? IDK.

The middle school you cannot get into without someone at the front desk buzzing you in.


Full Access Member
All public schools are babysitting services for working parents. Unmotivated kids are kept there until they are 16 and then turned loose on the world.


Full Access Member
So did you guys all vote to mess up the anti gunner propaganda poll???????

I did and lots of others did.
It went from 37% pro gun to 66% progun!

if yo havent voted yet please do!
Dont forget to be activists!


Active member
All I can say is that here in OOOTAH if you want to carry a gun in a state run school concealed you can. I think we had one incident where a gun was drawn in a class and shortly after that, within seconds actually, the guy a few rows back from the gunman shot him dead. Having armed peoples in the schools that know how to use the firearm is never a bad thing. And here in Utah we have seen that it can prevent further loss of life when the time comes.


Full Access Member
Now at 78% pro gun!

This is what internet activism is about folks! Deny the enemies of our republic their foul talking points.:D


Full Access Member
All I can say is that here in OOOTAH if you want to carry a gun in a state run school concealed you can. I think we had one incident where a gun was drawn in a class and shortly after that, within seconds actually, the guy a few rows back from the gunman shot him dead. Having armed peoples in the schools that know how to use the firearm is never a bad thing. And here in Utah we have seen that it can prevent further loss of life when the time comes.

Link to the story??

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