Thanks to those who served

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Happy memorial day to all of our fellow Americans who served there country and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Without them we would not have the freedom so many take for granted. To all those who have lost a loved one in war my heart goes out to you, but please don't forget that to civilians like myself they are all heroes......God Bless
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Makes me bitter to see us moving towards socialism after so many have served for freedom to remain here. I feel my time in the USMC was for nothing. Most Marines I know are pissed.


Full Access Member
Memorial Day is one of those times that MUST transcend personal politics.

I went to a Memorial Day service this morning at a local cemetery
The only people I saw there were thankful Americans paying their respects to those who gave everything.

I witnessed a teenager, unprompted by anyone, give up his seat to an elderly veteran wearing a Korean War Veteran hat. The kid then went to his car and brought out 3 more folding camp chairs and offered them to other older people that didn't have seats.
Upon witnessing his actions, several more people stood and gave there seats to the older citizens in the crowd.
(By the way, this kid would probably be labeled a "punk" by many because of his black skinny jeans, shaggy hair-cut and earrings)

This particular cemetery has an area dedicated to military graves. After the service, people were paying their respects to relatives graves, placing flowers, flags, etc.
There were a few younger children (4-7 year olds) playing tag amonst the military graves. As a mother moved towards them, admonishing the kids; an old veteran put his hand on her arm and gestured towards the graves saying, "Let them play, these boys deserve to hear children's laughing and playing."

I'm not ashamed to say that I walked away with more than one tear in my eyes.


Full Access Member
Socialism should never be transcend .!!!!!!!! It is what we fought for and many died to STOP!!!!!!

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I lost a few friends in the first gulf war, I visited them at a local cemetery and gave my respects to them.... I miss my friends but they passed doing what they loved, serving our country and protecting our freedoms. It was nice to remember my brave lost friends...May they rip.......
Concealed 27


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