Snowed in today


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I have never owned one but used to spend a lot of time operating skid steers, mostly a Case 1845 and 95XT. Also a little bit on a Deere and JCB. The 1845 was a lot lighter and less stable. It was also worn and the hydraulics were goofy. You literally had to operate the two levers very differently or you would go in circles. Once, the left side essentially locked in reverse. I slammed the bucket down, turned the key off, and slid to a stop inches from the grill of one of our dump trucks. The 95XT was an entirely different animal. It was much heavier, had a longer wheelbase, and was MUCH more stable. It also had the 2 speed hydraulics which was nice and made wheelies child's play. Once, I even lifted a dump truck out of the mud with it. It was a beast. I never did like Case backhoes but I sure liked that skid steer.


Super Moderator
Mine is a short wheelbase. It's made for some interesting rides sometimes. It'll buck like a bronco. You just have to let get of the levers until it settles down and then go back at it. I've never attempted any tricks or wheelies (at least not on purpose) in it.

Got the parking pad in front of the garage cleared off and the driveway down by the road cleared. Wife wanted to get out of the house so we ran into town. Roads were surprisingly clear. NCDOT did a great job on the major roads and many of the secondary. Just not in front of our house. But traffic had worn two ruts in each direction down to the pavement.

It's been awhile since I've used it but it cranked right up even in this freezing weather. I'm impressed with the little Isuzu diesel that in it. May try to get out to do a few little calls tomorrow. But I might take my 4x4. Never can tell what you'll run into at the other end. Not everybody clears their driveway.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Not going anywhere today. I'm guessing we got about 8".



Thats alot of snow, I know its a pain in the ass but it is beautiful ime....


Super Moderator
Thats alot of snow, I know its a pain in the ass but it is beautiful ime....

It's melting pretty good today. Roads are passable. We actually got out yesterday. The Jeep did a good job. Both my wife and I are bad about cabin fever. It doesn't take much for us to want to get out. Going back to work tomorrow. Gotta get some doors in and make some money. Actually did a small job today. Threw some tool into the back of the Jeep. Good thing. The driveway where I went was still a mess.

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