Snowed in today


Full Access Member
Watching the power lines come down in the storm of 89 was like watching a major lighting storm. Power here was out to some people for 2 weeks. When calls came in about the freezer going bad we told them to put it on the porch.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Siberian Express coming to a neighborhood near you:

Meteorologists said day records could fall in Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas and Chicago on Thursday and in Boston, Washington, D.C., and New York on Friday. Meanwhile parts of Maine and New Hampshire could get more than six inches of snow through Saturday, according to the Weather Channel.

Emergency officials in southern states like Tennessee and North Carolina were asking the homeless to get to shelters as they prepared for potentially record-breaking temperatures 25 to 45 degrees below normal.

Chicago is experiencing its coldest February since 1875 and dealing with the threat of black ice — a thin coating of nearly transparent ice — on surfaces. In North Carolina, officials warned in a statement that scattered snow showers combined with below freezing temperatures could leave many secondary roads and streets in "ice skating rink-like condition."



Super Moderator
I am not, I said NOT! working tomorrow. Wasn't suppose to work today but had some emergency trouble calls. I've already changed the voicemail message to say "Call somebody else".

It was bitterly cold here today. I was out working in 18 degree temps. What is this, Alaska? I didn't sign on for Ice Road Truckers. Out traipsing through the snow and ice and wind that cuts right through you. Ba humbug to that.

I know people endure much colder temps but this is really out of the ordinary for my area. If I wanted to live in these temps I'd move to Minnesota or some other great white North location. My wife and I have agreed that once we're into retirement we'll be RVing across the country chasing 72 degrees.


Full Access Member
Teens tonight in North Florida, may have to put some salt on my eggs for breakfast. Ride the YO YO .

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
5 Day Forecast for Mesa, AZ sent by my mother today..nice.

79° 53°

80° 53°

79° 53°

75° 53°

74° 50°


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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
They had a snow day (Friday) at my sisters house in Northern Atlanta, only sprikles on the ground but the kids loved it being off on monday and friday...lmao
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Snowing here again today. We're getting the Northern edge of it. Durham (South of me) is getting hit pretty good. But this is just the first wave of it. Another system is suppose to hit tomorrow afternoon bringing a possible 3" of the white stuff.

We just got back from breakfast and even though this snow is fairly light, it is slick. The dusting we have is making things pretty slippery. Not taking the work truck out today......again.


Super Moderator
Just got an update on the upcoming storm forecast to hit tomorrow afternoon/evening. Looks like we could get up to 8" of snow before it's over. They are saying the storm could last 10-12 hours and dump up to 2" an hour in some locations. While I'm working tomorrow (for as long as I can) the wife is going to the grocery store for provisions. May be a couple days before we get out again.

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