Snowed in today


Super Moderator
Got a snowfall yesterday afternoon and overnight. Less than 2 inches accumulation. But it's an icy snow. Very slick. And our secondary roads weren't brined or plowed. So I'm taking today off. Don't want to risk wrecking the work truck. Not going above freezing either so no much melting to happen.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Up here in the NW we are having one of the warmest winters ever..suppose to be sunny and 60 today..almost feels like I have to mow my yard. Only snow we had was about two months ago..half an inch but was gone next day...sorry but I couldn't live in the NE..brrrrrr.


Super Moderator
Up here in the NW we are having one of the warmest winters ever..suppose to be sunny and 60 today..almost feels like I have to mow my yard. Only snow we had was about two months ago..half an inch but was gone next day...sorry but I couldn't live in the NE..brrrrrr.

Even though it's called North Carolina, It's still considered the South. Suppose to be bitterly cold this week (for us) and hopefully it will be over.

But yeah, I agree, the NE has really taken it on the chin this year.


Full Access Member
It has been pretty mild for us this year. Lots of lows below freezing but only overnight and only in the 20's. Last year it dropped to single digits and stayed below freezing for days at a time.


Full Access Member
Looks like the inside of the freezer we have in the garage. I need to defrost that thing.

84 yesterday....


Super Moderator
This is the road that runs in front of the house. Wasn't even touched today.


Update: They came through and plowed. Yay.

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Full Access Member
They brought plows out for 2 inches of snow??? Hell, we don't even put our boots on for a measly 2 inches:emotions34:


Super Moderator
They brought plows out for 2 inches of snow??? Hell, we don't even put our boots on for a measly 2 inches:emotions34:

Oh yeah..... any snow fall that sticks is a big deal around here. And yes, I did put on my boots today. Went out and made a path up to the front door.

I drive a good size work truck. It doesn't have snow tires on it so it sucks in the snow. Gets a mind of it's own. And on top of that, if it gets wrecked no matter who's fault it is, I'm out of business. Can't afford to be without the truck. So I err on the side of caution.

But I agree, a 2" snow is nothing compared to what Boston and surrounding areas are getting.


Full Access Member
Just giving you a hard time Silvr. I know that snow can really Fk things up for areas that are not accustomed to it.
We have no bragging rights this winter. It has been an easy one so far. Only about a dozen days below zero and not much snow (only 8-10" on the ground right now)
We also get acclimated to it. It was 5 degrees sunday, and we were outside playing hockey most of the afternoon.


Super Moderator
Just giving you a hard time Silvr. I know that snow can really Fk things up for areas that are not accustomed to it.
We have no bragging rights this winter. It has been an easy one so far. Only about a dozen days below zero and not much snow (only 8-10" on the ground right now)
We also get acclimated to it. It was 5 degrees sunday, and we were outside playing hockey most of the afternoon.

I don't like cold. I moved up here from Florida. I was out working Monday when the temp didn't get above 25. Since I work with my hands I can't wear gloves. I need the dexterity to pick up small items. My hands were freezing. Lost the feeling in my fingers. This Thurs. & Friday it may not get out of the teens. If at all possible I'm calling in sick those days.

8 to 10 inches of snow would shut down NC for a month. With the right vehicle I have no problem getting out in it. But I know my work truck is not the right vehicle. I've got a couple calls to go on tomorrow. I think the roads will be OK once the black ice melts. It's getting back up my own driveway that I'm worried about.


Full Access Member
Rain all day today but stayed in the 60's. Cold tomorrow but sunny will have to charge the battery on the harley with a short ride.


No snow in the 7 day forecast, it will get down to the thirties, which is warm around here this time of year


Super Moderator
Snowed again this afternoon. It's over now but it was coming down pretty heavy for awhile. Reduced visibility type snow. Preparing for the arctic blast that heading this way. Forecast to go down to 5 degrees tonight. Now that the roads are wet conditions could be good for black ice.


Super Moderator
We got the freezing rain last year. It brought down a bunch of trees. My parents lost about 40 pine trees. It was a domino affect. Finally got a tree crew to come in a clean them up just last week. Been almost a year. We were chipping away at it but it was slow going. I remember stepping outside during the ice storm. You could hear trees snapping and the air smelled like a pine air freshener.

We may get a day or two more of snow but it shouldn't amount to much. Mostly flurries. It just that Thurs. and Friday are going to be so unusually cold for us. Not use to it. And don't want to get use to it. My main concern right now is the wet roads freezing over. I think the power lines are out of jeopardy. The precip is over for tonight.

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