Sgt. Bergdahl to be charged

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was reportedly held captive by Taliban militants for five years, will be charged with desertion for leaving his post, according to sources of retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer. Bergdahl was only released after President Barack Obama negotiated with the terrorists, agreeing to release five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.

Shaffer, senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, told Bill O’Reilly on Monday night that his sources have confirmed the Army has concluded its investigation and Bergdahl’s lawyer has been given a “charge sheet” informing him of the desertion charge

Read more: BREAKING! Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with DESERTION » The Right Scoop -

At the same time we should charge Obama with treason for trading away those five terrorist for Bergdahl the traitor.


Full Access Member


I'll bet the White House shredders were working overtime in the last few days removing any paper evidence ....... The video they will just blame on Republicans


This president has made a habit out of supporting the bad

Mr martin
Mr Brown
Mr Bergdahl
Mr Sharpton

and the list goes on. Seems all the people that could be family, his sons or what ever else relation that he chooses all are crooks.....

Kind of highlights the Illinois Politician in him

Some day he will share a cell with the rest of his .... family


Super Moderator
I'll bet the White House shredders were working overtime in the last few days removing any paper evidence ....... The video they will just blame on Republicans

Don't forget all the hard drive failures that are about to happen. And all the cloud backups systems that didn't work. Yeah, we're that stoopid.


Full Access Member
Yes and they are that corrupt!!!!! 2 different sets of laws for haves and have not. The imperial leaders are above the law and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. If you resist -_you will be killed!!!!!

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
The stuff that Nixon pulled off is like a walk in the park what King Obama has gotten away with..he is the real traitor in my opinion and I am sure many agree in here too.


Full Access Member
Going to keep doing it and we can't stop him. Piss off the clintons and die is the america way.

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