Outdoor kitchen thingy


Full Access Member
I'm in the process of building me a little outdoor sink/kitchen type thing and thought I'd share some pictures.



Full Access Member
Looks good man. Reminds me that I need to start a few projects that I've been putting off for warmer weather


Super Moderator
I Like those outdoor setups light that. Some nice Wrought Iron tables and chairs with Unbrellas, you're set for some cool friend & family time in the back yard.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Bbq spare-ribs and some Lone Star sounds good about now...:peace:



Super Moderator
I wish my dad's property had a problem with wild pigs. I'd be having some ham & bacon. I guess it's LA and TX having the big problems with pigs.


Full Access Member
My only plan for it is to make it run regular bird shot for now. I'd love to find some wood furniture for it.

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