Orion Test Flight This Morning

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm up early today to watch the Orion Test Flight launching from Kennedy space center. Time of launch is scheduled for 7:05 am and im am gonna try and see from my house. All you can see is the smoke from exhaust but it's a good distance from me. Anyways if your in Jacksonville or anywhere close to Kennedy you should get a good look at it.
Concealed 27
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Super Moderator
I'm up early today to watch the Orion Test Flight launching from Kennedy space center. Time of launch is scheduled for 7:05 am and im am gonna try and see from my house. All you can see is the smoke from exhaust but it's a good distance from me. Anyways if your in Jacksonville or anywhere close to Kennedy you should get a good look at it.
Concealed 27

I use to live down in Boynton Beach, Fl. I was out back mowing my grass and I had a radio headset on listening to music. They stopped the music to announce that the space shuttle was about to launch. I stopped the mower and looked North to see it. Like you, all I could really only make out was the smoke and something really tiny leading it. But it was cool to watch. Saw it one other time at night. You can see the glow of the flames then.

My wife and I toyed with the idea of someday buying a place near Port Canaveral right on the Banana River. You could sit in the back yard and really get a show there. It'd probably rattle the dishes.


Full Access Member
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) – NASA’s new Colorado-built Orion spacecraft will have to wait another day to fly.
Wind gusts and a sticky rocket valve forced the Cape Canaveral launch team to call off Thursday’s attempt to send Orion into orbit on its first-ever test flight.
NASA promised to try again Friday.


Super Moderator
We watched the challenger blow up from our work yard in Gainesville.

I was down in Boca Raton when that happened. I was with IBM and we were in a class. We had taken a break and were watching it live on TV. As soon as it happened I knew something was wrong. Sad, sad day.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
This country after the Apollo program should of started the next phase soon after..colonizing the moon for a base and soon after explored Mars and beyond. To me the space shuttle program was too costly for what we got back in return..like running supplies and experiments to the space station. Should of been on Mars 20 years ago and opened up a new direction in space travel by now...sounds a lot better then foreign wars we have been muddled in.

Hopefully Congress doesn't cut NASA's budget and just let this Orion project reaches it's full mission and beyond.


Full Access Member
Just a bait and switch game for hiding our money in phony government. The money wasted on NASA if paid to us all could have given us all free health care or made us wealthy.JMO

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