Old friends reunited

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I had lunch with an old girlfriend today it was real nice to see her. Good thing about real friends is that you can not talk for yrs then pick up like nothing changed. Went to a nice BBQ place in downtown Safety Harbor and we caught up with things going on in our lives, I was real down today and she lifted my spirits up as soon as I saw her. Anyways just thought I'd share things are slowly getting better for me.....except health but I'm doing everything I can to get that better
Concealed 27
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Full Access Member
Glad to hear that your day went well. Hopefully that becomes a recurring theme.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
You guys are awesome, I'm getting better day by day and that's a great thing. I know that we are just online buddy's but you are true friends to me. Thanks for your kind words and I'm so glad that God has blessed me with truly good people........
Concealed 27

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Life certainly can be full of surprises and having good friends to share them is one of them. Make the moment as my late father use to say.

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