Northern NC Ice Storm


Super Moderator
Man did we get a mess. Many busted up trees and one on the house. No power since 0800. Heating the house with kerosene. We do have the generator running so we have lights and keep the fridge going.


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Full Access Member
It really is a pisser when you are feed power under ground. The tree maintenance is one of the first programs to go. Put the stuff in the fridge on the porch.


Super Moderator
Got the power back around 1600 hours today. Temps got up in the 60's. Spent a considerable amount of time with my chainsaw. Incredible number of pine trees down. Yesterday the air smelled like a pine air freshener due to all the trees snapping and falling. Had a restless nights sleep keeping an ear out for the generator and an eye open watching the kerosene heater.

And yes, with the generator going we still had internet and television. I've got a 91 yo MIL living with us and she has to be kept comfortable. It got a lot colder in the hose than she likes so she stayed bundled up all day yesterday.

Got a taste of roughing it and I'd say we were prepared and came through it fairly well. It was only a day and a half but at least we had what we needed and enough fuel to keep us going.


Full Access Member
That is hard way to go. I left my 85 year old father in law( years ago) alone with the fire place going and a stack of wood. Power still on and every thing OK, we left him for about 3 hours while we went shopping. Got home and it was 90 degrees in the house. He kept he fire going for us. Hope all turns out well.

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