New laws in California


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Ammo will have to be registered . Boys and girls can use what ever rest room they like and play on any team. God please take them before they can do any more damage!


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The main hope we have is that the enemy gets so convinced of his victory he will tip his hand too early.
It's already happening slowly.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
What are they gonna do with all ammo locked up in safes. This to me sounds like a good idea for new purchases if your not a criminal. All ammo not registered will be taken by whatever force to obtain unregistred ammo which is very simple...jmho, Concealed 27


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There are a lot of areas in this country that have lost all sense of normalcy. The conservatives and moderates have all been pushed out over years of liberal crap. And all that is left is, well the far left

Seattle made a ruling that the terms "citizen" and "brown bag" were no longer to be used in city communications because they could be construed as offense. Apparently these asshats don't think "citizen is inclusive enough and suggest using "resident" instead. And I am not even sure how you make the stretch to saying "a brown bag lunch" is bothering anyone who can call themselves sane. Is the bag not brown?"
So I ask you, what if, in my brown bag, I have a sandwich made with white bread, canadian bacon, swiss cheese, and yellow mustard. Along with some german potato salad, greek yogurt.:pp:


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New law with ostupid care gives the government the right to do health checks on your home. AARP has been trying to get in our home for 2 years now. F--K them!

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
New law with ostupid care gives the government the right to do health checks on your home. AARP has been trying to get in our home for 2 years now. F--K them!

Don't let them get ya brother, I'm having issues with disability ins, I need 2 change carriers and I'm getting no help but just the run around.... Obamacare is so f$%-ked up. But u gotta do what u need to.....its a huge deal for me my pcp is not taking my current carrier so I have no choice but to change because he got me my disability and can't afford to get another pcp cause I have seen him for 10 plus years and he will make sure that I continue to receive my benifits..... Concealed 27


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Now the libtarded mayor of Seattle is asking business owners to ban guns in their establishments. Election time is around the corner...I hope clearer minds dump this guy to the curb.

Yeah, they are also pushing for a $15/hr minimum wage. Do these asshats know nothing about simple economics?:buttkick:

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