ISIS Burning POW Jordanian Pilot


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Those are the states of confusion he lives in. No problem they are really just nice people.


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Russia gots own problems, USA started a war in middle east !!!! in iraq to get some money now there is a hell


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Yes, the US has left a power vacuum in Iraq, there really is no country of Iraq anymore, the governenment only controls some larger cities. Same goes for Afghanistan, it's no better than it was in 2001.

I'm curious to discuss some opinions on what exactly the US and the west should/could do, if anything, in the middle east.
So if you were in a position of power, what would you suggest?
"Nuke them all!!" Isn't an acceptable answer.


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Turn Israel lose. Stop buying Saudi oil and giving them food until they except Prozac in their water. I am not opposed to a few low yield tactical nukes to get their attention. I am convinced that this is the start of WWIII and russia will get involved outright soon. Tribal warfare is gang warfare and there is no relating to them. Power is the only thing they understand.We have troops all over there that are not getting reported. Viet Nam thing just advisers. We know it is a Sunni ,Shiite thing but every thing between will be destroyed. Leading from from the rear is for cowards,and obama has fired all his leaders so he can institute a gay friendly military. JMO that we are screwed.
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