ISIS Burning POW Jordanian Pilot


Full Access Member
How can the world sit idly by while we see this? We were able to secure the video of the horrific burning of Jordanian pilot Muath Al-Kassasbeh.

The long video released by the Islamist Al-Furqan spills the intelligence plans of U.S.-Led coalition and then the actual burning of the pilot in the most horrific ways (WARNING VERY HORRIFIC):

Watch The Most Horrific Video By ISIS Burning POW Jordanian Pilot - Walid Shoebat

New ISIS video purportedly shows Jordanian pilot being burned alive | Fox News

To desecrate the victim is part and parcel of Islam in hope that people would convert through sheer fear or to repulse the enemy.

When will someone get enough balls to nuke these bastards? They want desecration? We'll give it to them.


Full Access Member
Balls is what the US does not have!!!!!!! Most US Generals with any war experience have been fired. This administration is more worried about Christians than sisi. The Jews want to stop sisi and ostupid will not let them. The sleeping giant is on LSD now.


Full Access Member
Apparently it's Ok because there not Muslims’ Or Terrorist or whatever just ask or Pres. He knows all. What Bullshit


Full Access Member
After watching that video something flashed in my head from my VietNam days.

Kill them all and let god sort em out.


Full Access Member
Jordan had threatened to kill all it's isis prisoners if their pilot was killed. I say load them in a plane and drop off at home, literally and without a parachute.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Apparently it's Ok because there not Muslims’ Or Terrorist or whatever just ask or Pres. He knows all. What Bullshit

He calls them a some collective corporate company..he can't say that word terrorist or inhuman beings or Muslim extreme religious scum seems to be against his own personal faith..whatever that is. It's time we need a real kick ass leader who is willing to drop the hammer with whatever military means and might to wipe out these scum bags once and for all..and you ain't it Mr. President.


Super Moderator
He calls them a some collective corporate company..he can't say that word terrorist or inhuman beings or Muslim extreme religious scum seems to be against his own personal faith..whatever that is. It's time we need a real kick ass leader who is willing to drop the hammer with whatever military means and might to wipe out these scum bags once and for all..and you ain't it Mr. President.

Then he isn't a President and I refuse to give him the title.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I heard Jordan hanged some of ISIS followers including a woman who failed as a suicide bomber..I'd be for Jordan to send in their army and air force and with collation forces backing them wipe these twisted evil bastards off the planet.


Full Access Member
I heard Jordan hanged some of ISIS followers including a woman who failed as a suicide bomber..I'd be for Jordan to send in their army and air force and with collation forces backing them wipe these twisted evil bastards off the planet.

I'm with you brother, the only good roach is a dead roach.


New member
This type of religious shit has been going on for centuries. Russians couldn't fix it....the US stirred the kettle and now the soups boiling over. The absurdly rich countries need to pony up and pay for lots of high tech US/Russian weaponry, manpower and support to eliminate or at least neuter ISIS.
Training Iraqi, Syrian and Afghan troops may help, but most will run in fear of what Isis will do to them when captured.
Be prepared for massive civilian loss of life.......freedom comes at a price!

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I am sure the U.S. is supplying Jordan with satellite images for targeting and wouldn't be surprised that Saudi Arabia is backing them with their AWACS and possible air strikes too. I say let the surrounding Arab countries deal with their own enemy..for the U.S. isn't popular over there and besides were broke from previous engagements.


Full Access Member
I fully agree but don't expect the US to stay out. Obama already at congress asking for money.


New member
I don't want ground battle troops, just training, logistics, drones, air force, navy and be compensated by the absurdly rich Arab countries. i think it will take three to six months of heavy air strikes to knock ISIS on their ass and subsequent missions to keep the remaining live ones in line and scared for their lives.
Then in 5-10 years, we can deal with a new group of Terrorists. We can't have too much peace in the world or our defense contractors will go belly up! :shooter:

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