Happy New Year Weapons Forum


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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Happy New year to all!!!!!!! Please be safe safe and responsible I don't have enough money to bail you all out.....lmao
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Happy New year to all!!!!!!! Please be safe safe and responsible I don't have enough money to bail you all out.....lmao
Concealed 27

I don't go out trying to get arrested. It just seems to happen this time of year. Better to go ahead and get it over with at the start. :chewie:


Super Moderator
The world was at war last night it sounded like.

Yeah, I live out in the country and there were plenty of red necks out wasting ammo last night. I just don't get it. They weren't fireworks. They were definitely gun shots.


Full Access Member
There could have been a few gunshots but we definitely had some of the neighbors shooting off fireworks.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I live in the suburbs and heard gun shots for sure....idiots the bullet will come down cause what goes up must come down unless your travelling at 17,500 MPH.......JUST STUPID THATS HOW PEOPLE GET HURT.... JMHO
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
I also heard a couple big booms. I mean BIG BOOMS. I can only imagine someone was playing with Tennerite.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I walked out side and yelled....... Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Went back in and opened another beer

Smart move Jeff...alcohol always makes the night better. But im Proud to be sober for 1 1/2 years. It got me into to much trouble......
Concealed 27


Smart move Jeff...alcohol always makes the night better. But im Proud to be sober for 1 1/2 years. It got me into to much trouble......
Concealed 27

I do very well at drinking with moderation. I think the last time I got shit faced drunk was in Florida at a GTG. Otherwise its a beer or two and I'm done. alcohol isn't the demon, you become your own demon when you mis use it


Super Moderator
Never been drunk. Have no idea what it feels like. Don't intend to. Plus it's pretty difficult to get drunk on sweet iced tea. That's my poison.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I do very well at drinking with moderation. I think the last time I got shit faced drunk was in Florida at a GTG. Otherwise its a beer or two and I'm done. alcohol isn't the demon, you become your own demon when you mis use it

Yes I know it's my fault, like you said moderation is the key and I was going thru a hard times and used alcohol as an escape. But problem solved I'm glad I don't drink anymore. But I don't rip on people who drink so it's all good in my book.
Concealed 27


Yes I know it's my fault, like you said moderation is the key and I was going thru a hard times and used alcohol as an escape. But problem solved I'm glad I don't drink anymore. But I don't rip on people who drink so it's all good in my book.
Concealed 27

Good to hear....

I drank a little too much way back when in the military, pretty lucky however, didn't get in trouble


Full Access Member
Moderation is the key to lots of things. Well, almost everything. You can never have too many quality firearms or too much ammo.

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