Dashcams - Who uses them?


Super Moderator
We've had a few close encounters on the road lately. One of the incidents was a guy cutting me off in a parking lot and accusing me of not watching where I was going. He was in the drivethru lane and I was in the lane to go around the building. He decides he wants to go inside instead and dives across my lane to get a parking space. Then he yells at me as I drive by. We had a nice little chat once I went inside. He even got my wife's dander up and she's usually non confrontational.

But anyhow. With all the people who will NOT take responsibility for their actions or try to blame you for something they did. I decided to get a dashcam for my work truck. Just to keep someone honest in the event of an accident. They are extremely popular in other countries just for this very reason. Youtube is full of dashcam video's.

Just wondering if anyone else here was using one. If so, what model and what features does it have? I picked up one off of Amazon and just used it today. It's already caught one guy pulling out from a side road in front of me. Had to jam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. I bet this becomes more and more popular. I may get one for my wife's Jeep too.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Been also thinking about getting one..just today this lady in a Cadillac pulls out from a side street on my right..I had to hit my brakes and swerve partially in being hit..she looked at me like whats your problem??..gee I don't know driving a pickup with my headlights on and doing the speed limit..dumbasses as we all know out there.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I would like to get one just for the fact that video is the best evidence u can have in court heaven for sake you have to use ur weapon.....found this one on Amazon not as expensive as I thought.....Concealed 27
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/HDE-Dashboard-Accident-Recording-Detection/dp/B00LAAVVOS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1421988273&sr=8-4&keywords=dashboard+camera]Amazon.com : HDE 1080p HD Dual Lens Dashboard Car DVR Dash Cam and Rear View Camera Accident Recording System with Night Vision and Motion Detection/G-Sensor : Electronics[/ame]


Active member
All the vehicles at my work actually have a camera system on them now and they have been used to saved jobs, and to take them. The camera system is a nice option though for looking out for the morons on the road.


Super Moderator

This is the one I got for the work truck. I'm pretty impressed with it. Takes great video. The only two drawbacks I've found is I like to keep it in "motion detect" setting. This way it only records when it senses motion on the screen. So I can leave it on when I'm not in the truck but it will only record if someone walks in front of the vehicle. Great for monitoring things while I'm away. Problem is I have to reset it to do this each time I turn the camera off and back on. It won't remember this setting.

The other nit is it displays my speed in kph. There's no way to tell it to display mph. So I have to do the math.

There is another new one just out called the Mini 0806 which looks really interesting. Only China and Australia seem to have them at the moment. Once they hit Amazon I may pull the trigger on one of those.
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Super Moderator
Well, caught some idiot in a huge hurry passing on a double yellow today. I was doing every bit of the speed limit and actually had to slow down due to the truck in front of me. This camera has such a wide view it makes the truck look further away than it really is. I also need to up the resolution on the camera to better catch the license plate. I wish it were legal to mount a mini gun to the front of the truck.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
As far as I know mini-guns on vehicles are only allowed in Montana as you can also drive 90mph and legally buy beer at 16 too..sounds like my kind of state


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