'constitutional convention


Full Access Member
Did Michigan just trigger 'constitutional convention'? Bid gains steam. This is the can of worms obama is afraid off. The standing government will do all it can to stop this from happening. The people have spoken and it will shake up the elite.


Active member
Very interesting I didn't know that such a provision existed in the Constitution. It should be very interesting if they actually get this going or not.


Full Access Member
Obama will declare marshal law before he allows the states that much power !!!!!!! I have been watching this for 2 years now. This could stop obama in his tracks so he will not allow it . One of the times it was used was around the Civil War.


Active member
The funny thing is I think that Obummer will have a hard time not letting the states go through with it, unless he wants an armed response. He might wan one eventually, but on his time table not on someone else's.

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